No network on 2G in lumia 920

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WPCentral Question


My lumia 920 was working well 2 weeks back . Now issue is , no network (no signal) where i get only 2G signal. On 3g signal it is working fine. If i select highest speed to 2G .. no network.

Manual carrier search is showing 2G network, even after selecting it no network

Reason could be

1) i am running on 8.1 developer preview and did few updates recently on top of it.
2) i dropped my mobile 1 week back

I tried below .

1) Soft, Hard reset
2) manual network selection
3) My mob was running 8.1.. downgraded to 8 using Nokia software suit
4) I opened my case. all the wire connection looks fine

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
This sounds more like a general network issue. I would suggest contacting your provider and see if they can troubleshoot any issues. They may also want to change your sim card in a worse case scenario.
Thanks for your reply . I tested my SIM in other mobiles and 2g is working fine. I tried other carriers in my mob same issue.

Please help
This is really weird issue, you have tried each and every way... I would recommend you to contact nokia care

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