No option to turn off automatic updates in Windows 10

People who haven't had problems, we believe you. Don't get so defensive. The issue exists. My pc's have never had the issue but I saw it with my own eyes on my brothers PC. I saw it on a twitch gaming broadcast. Guy was playing a game and windows just restarts on him. And Many people complain about it. So it's obviously an issue that MS needs to fix. MS is just going to give windows 10 a bad name.
Hi Here's a thought! Maybe the computer shuts down for other reasons like over heating,ect. Then windows will naturally install the up dates and the user will think that MS shut the PC down. That can happen. Computers are called PCs(Personal Computer). That means they are all different and they are all going to act differently.
Those are my thoughts. I'm not being defensive! I'm being informative. I believe every story I hear about PCs. They will drive you to drink!:angry:
Hi Here's a thought! Maybe the computer shuts down for other reasons like over heating,ect. Then windows will naturally install the up dates and the user will think that MS shut the PC down. That can happen. Computers are called PCs(Personal Computer). That means they are all different and they are all going to act differently.
Those are my thoughts. I'm not being defensive! I'm being informative. I believe every story I hear about PCs. They will drive you to drink!:angry:

Nope checked my brothers event viewer. It actually restarted for update. It doesn't care what time it is or if you're doing something. Hopefully there was a fix in that update so the next one doesn't do that.
Something you can do since it is a laptop.

Set your wifi connection up as a metered connection. That will disable auto updates.

When you plug in the network cable, it will download updates...:straight:

Hope that helps.
That may work for awhile, but sooner or latter MS will install the updates. You can delay them and you can actually stop them in services, but MS creates these patches for your protection; even if they do cause issues some times. I'm going to leave mine alone and fix what ever problem they cause me!:wink:
That may work for awhile, but sooner or latter MS will install the updates. You can delay them and you can actually stop them in services, but MS creates these patches for your protection; even if they do cause issues some times. I'm going to leave mine alone and fix what ever problem they cause me!:wink:
GOOD point!

Peace. Alan
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Originally posted by holdum333
That may work for awhile, but sooner or latter MS will install the updates. You can delay them and you can actually stop them in services, but MS creates these patches for your protection; even if they do cause issues some times. I'm going to leave mine alone and fix what ever problem they cause me!:wink:

I'm not sure they keep patching always for user benefit. Software has to keep being regularly patched or will risk being seen as unsupported or abandoned. If we're honest, that inevitably results in an amount of 'busy work' where they keep fiddling with things that work to show how active the devs are. Unfortunately the difficult jobs end up getting left for someone else as the 'busy work' is always an easier win for an individual Dev.

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