Nokia 1020 LCD/Screen Repair.. Display not on


New member
Feb 27, 2014
Recently I replaced the lcd/digitizer on a 1020. By far the easiest repair I have done, however after plugging in the new lcd/dig the display does not power up as you feel the phone vibrate as its on. I went through 2 lcd/dig. After sending the first back thinking faulty part, I decided to hook up the original that had just cracked glass but lcd worked. Once I plugged the old in, it didn't light up either. So anyone have any issues like this since replacing a 1020? If so what is going on. I don't want to buy a new phone because clearly the phone works, just the lcd doesn't. Total of 3 including the original. HELP
The repair is ahead of me so I can't really help out :(

But - did you double check all the cables? Flex cables that go to the LCD and so on? Something must be missing, defective or out of place..
Yes I have done several inspections on the mother board and lcd. I own a repair store and have never seen anything like this. I mean the easiest repair that I have done since I have been in business.
Well, my friend. I have the very same situation yesterday happen with my L1020!!!!! Few month ago, I did repair of Lumia 800 without problem. The rest is very the same with your situation. i think we damaged the connector on the mainboard. I have tried to rotate the display and under some angle (twisting a little bit the flex cable) the image come up on the screen but the touch didn't work. Tomorrow i will take it to Nokia Care, i know they wont accept the guarantee.
Just to note: the very same situation i had wit N8. In the service they could not detect where is the problem and that makes me very sad, that the same will repeat here.

in best case scenario, we will to change the flex cables but... the connector on the main board that could be broken i think cant be changed :(
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were ur phones powered on while u exchanged the screen?

i have the exact same problem, but left my phone on while i exchanged the screen. i think that was the fault :(
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omg i was so scared...but it works again;; i pressd down vol down + power for 15 secounds. it forces reboot and hard reset

please try that guys!
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Well, i was not so lucky. After hard reset, the same situation was going on and.. yes, i think the phone was powered up :(
But... while changing the other screen (the broken one) the situation was a bit better (more often i got image on the screen) while rotating the screen. It's hardware fault for shure.
well, i was gonna type something within the lines of "how thick can u be to replace a hardware part, without turning the phone off first"

but then, i realized my mistake :D (u cant tell, dead screen)
Guys same happened to my phone...I cracked my glass...but as the new glass comes with new lcd I gave it to nokia to replace it and my phone is working fine..thou I have the old lcd tat works ..just tat I have ordered a new glass to keep this as spare.
smart... tommorow i will go to Nokia Care center... if they diagnoze that the screen should be exchanged, i will be happy. If not..then the mainboard will be faulty and... some new phone will have to rise on the horizon ;)
Happy again!
Afetr 48h from delivering the phone to Nokia Care Center...they made it, they fixed the phone and now it is... great! I have damaged the connectors on the mainboard. So my advice on this: DON'T EVER FIX THE PHONE AFTER 00:00h , when you are tired, when you are sleepy, give it to professionals :)
Thanks Nokia Care Macedonia! :)
Guys I have another question...after screen replacement the left side of the screen feels like it's not a 100% firm. When I press on the screen near the the bezel, I can feel it gives in just a little tiny bit. I am talking about a mm or so but was wondering if you guys have that too? I reopened a couple of times, tightened the torx screw but nothing I thought this might be like that by default...but then again, it feels too lose :S
The complete set of the LCD/touch panel is fixed with the body of the phone with a plastic (white) holders. It is possible that on of them is broken. The other moment can be that the holders are OK, but the body of the phone, the places where those holders come in, some of them is broken... however, i think you'll have to find a way to inspect those elements (on a good light), be careful not to brake them more and if it is possible, with some glue to fix that.... that would be my opinion. However, it's risky to use the phone in this situation, a lot of dust can come in with time, water and so on...
Oh my God, I took off the screen again and noticed that the frame isn't properly glued to the screen...that is what's causing it to be a little loose...screen fault...I now contacted the seller to give it back :(

Phone finally fixed. Happy again :)
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Oh my God, I took off the screen again and noticed that the frame isn't properly glued to the screen...that is what's causing it to be a little loose...screen fault...I now contacted the seller to give it back :(

Phone finally fixed. Happy again :)

Had the same problem, fixed now. :)

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