Nokia 830 RM 984/ 985 What are the differences?

I recently purchased a Lumia 830 (RM-984) that seems to have originally been configured for Italy. I live in Ontario, Canada.
The phone is working well (I'm with Rogers service provider) in all respects but one. I am unable to download Speech or Keyboard for either Canada or United States. So if I set Region to Canada(English), Cortana does not work.
I've been working with various tech support people (in Microsoft's call centre in India) and they seem unable to help me get the Canadian or American Speech/Keyboard to download. Italian Speech/Keyboard seemed to be default when I got phone. After many hours work I was able to get English (United Kingdom) to download. I can't remove the Italian language.
I believe the problem lies in firmware. Even though I used Microsoft Recovery Tool to take phone back to Win8.1, then install Win10, then update to latest version of Win10Mobile, the firmware has never changed from the original.
The complete model # of phone is: 059W554* RM-984* VAR EURO CV IT
The firmware is: 02177.00000.15184.36004

My question is: Has anybody out there purchased a RM-984 (meant for European market), and somehow flashed it with firmware meant to be on a RM-985 (North American) Lumia 830?
The complete model number that goes with the firmware I think I should install on my phone is:
059W5G2 RM-985 RAR NAM CA ROGERS SLV SL* (I'm pretty sure the silver colour in the code will be irrelevant)
I have downloaded the Nokia Care Suite and have found this firmware:
List of Firmware*-*Click to download

02040.00021.15235.53001 -*No Date

Model info

Phone model:*Lumia 830
Product Code:*059W5G2
Last Firmware:*02040.00021.15235.53001

Like I said earlier, my phone all works great, and I like it a lot. I don't like British Regional settings (converting pounds to $, listening to British speaker for text-to-speech; wondering if the speech recognition is poor because Cortana doesn't understand my version of spoken English).* I'm hesitant to experiment with this, and would love to hear from anyone out there who bought a European 830 and somehow managed to get Cortana working. I don't care if I use English(Canada) or English(United States) by the way.

To bring up T-Mobile USA again, I just flashed my RM-985 with RM-984 firmware because I am way too impatient for Denim and surprisingly I still have LTE at least in Chicago. It also seems that I still have HSPA+ here as well. I think I probably lost the AWS bands but it does not seem to have an effect.

Hello. I know this forum is ancient history, but you are the only person I've found who has done something that I've been considering doing. I can't get Region/Keyboard/Language/Speech settings on my (originally Italian) RM-984 to work. I can get them all to English(Great Britain), but I can't download either Canada(English) or United States(English) on this phone. I've spent countless hours with Microsoft techies, but they just can't get it to work. They don't know if it's even possible to get these 'language packs' to download on any RM-984. So, as a last resort, I thought I might try to flash firmware using firmware for a RM-985. (More or less the opposite of what you did, I guess). I've been told the following

"You can't install a package of a different product type, because RKH and PlatID of RM-985 *.ffu files doesn't matches with RM-984."

I don't know enough to understand what that even means. I am sort of resigned to having a phone with British settings, but would love to know what other people have done when they discover the model they bought was meant for Europe, not North America.

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