Nokia Camera and the dual files that it saves??

With Pocket File Manager you can now access the high rez from your phone and don't need a PC
my icon only has a choice of 'jpeg (5mp)' or 'jpeg (5mp) + (16mp)'. Nothing is marked dng. Even though I have the second option selected I only find one picture in my album. I loaded HD Photo Viewer and still nothing - just the jpg file.

The DNG is not viewable from the Camera Roll. It will appear in the folder when you connect to your PC or if you use the File Explorer app.
So is the screen capture above, with DNG selection, taken from an actual retail Icon? This setting does not exist on my phone and I did some test photos with the only option I have "JPEG (5MP) + (19MP)". I connected to my PC and can see two files now but BOTH are jpgs. One is the small image and the other a highres.

Problem Solved. I was using 'Nokia Pro Camera' that came on my phone. It never prompted me about an update but I went to store to see if I could reload it. Only Nokia Camera exist in the store and when I checked there was an 'update' instead of 'install' option. Installed it and now I have all three settings including DNG. Guess they changed the name of the app and it doesn't trigger any automatic update.
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So the picture you are viewing when open with Photos or in Pro Camera are both 5Mp?
my icon only has a choice of 'jpeg (5mp)' or 'jpeg (5mp) + (16mp)'. Nothing is marked dng. Even though I have the second option selected I only find one picture in my album. I loaded HD Photo Viewer and still nothing - just the jpg file.

You have to use Nokia Camera not the built in camera app.
Hold on...seriously, I am so confused. So this phone takes a big azz resolution pic, then another low(er) res pic, and the only way I can access the high res pic is plugging in to a PC and exporting it? Do I have that right? I am not trying to be a wiseguy here, but what possible sense does that make?? I can't even imagine what kind of "feature" that is.

When I connect to my PC, I see the two files, but one is usually 1-2m and the "hi res" is 5m. Do I have some setting off? Ugh...

I am really, really trying to make the switch, but things like this make me wonder who WP is designed for...

Well... Yes and no. If you are in JPG mode only, you can see both the hires an lowres versions of the JPG on the phone. However, if you are in RAW capture mode, then you can only see the lowres JPG and you need to plug in to a computer via USB to download the DNG (RAW) version and edit with a RAW converter. In any case, you can not view or manipulate the DNG on the phone itself.

To enable RAW capture, you need to use Nokia Camera, not the built in camera app. Then you will have an option for 16MP DNG + 5MP JPG.

I would recommend reading the thread about the difference between JPG and RAW capture and play around with it, to see what suits your needs.

Here are two threads referencing this.

RAW capture is relatively new (less that 6 months) for smartphone cameras, so I understand there is a lot of confusion.
I just got the Icon and it only saves .jpg files when I choose the 5MP+16MP option. For example:


The one ending in "highres" :
  • does not upload to skydrive
  • is only visible from Windows when I plug into my computer.
  • does not include the Latitude & Longitude, although it does include all the other EXIF data.
I just got the Icon and it only saves .jpg files when I choose the 5MP+16MP option. For example:


The one ending in "highres" :
  • does not upload to skydrive
  • is only visible from Windows when I plug into my computer.
  • does not include the Latitude & Longitude, although it does include all the other EXIF data.

Which camera app are you using? To save in RAW (DNG) format, you need to use the Nokia Camera app, not the built in camera app.

The DNG version will save the location data, but you can't view it unless you are using a RAW image converter/processor like Lightroom or Aperture.

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