Nokia Lumia 1020 Bugs and Defects

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That noise coming from the actual physical lense/camera I noticed too. I believe this has to do with the image stabilization...

I noticed that in picture mode, if I press the camera button to focus (just to focus and hold it), that the lens actually moves (yes im dead serious, moves) to stabilize the camera, it was the coolest thing ever....

I'm not sure this is a bug, but just the sound of the mechanical stuff for the stabilization!
I am having the exact same problem, and like you, the only "fix" is to manually tap on the camera itself. Have you found and resolution to the problem??
I got the lispy static sound in the ear also. Voice quality would be great if it wasn't lispy at the end of words. Got a second phone delivered today( with the sim card tray installed backwards), and its worse than my original. Was gonna try a new sim at the store on the second phone tomorrow. If it still sucks, both are goin back in the mail. I did try a call on the display at the store and it sounded normal.
Got a second phone delivered today( with the sim card tray installed backwards).
wow I thought this was a odd thing when I received my phone from ATT in the mail...glad to see I'm not the only one. It took me a hour and a phone call to tech support before I realized it was in wrong. Why would they put it in backwards?? Asshats...
im sorry a ?500 pound phone should not have these issues. Its not a new product by any stretch. Nokia, MS have been doing this for a while, both in the hardware and software side.

If they want to compete in the market, then they need to come up to par with the S4 or Iphone 5.

Just my opinion. :)

laf. Do you have any idea how many times I personally (and many others) had to replace their iPhone 4, 4s, 5 and now 5s? Also having worked in the cell industry and retail for a while, I can attest that the price of any product doesn't stop it from being on a factory line SOMEWHERE, and can still go through their 'tests'.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but yours is entirely naive.
On a sidenote, has anybody managed to understand what's causing the hissing/scratchy noise from the ear piece? I'm basically going to exchange the phone in the morning unless somebody has a response XD

It's pretty annoying to say the least.
If a new SIM doesn't help today, I am mailing both 1020's back and have my atrix activated again. Then rethink the windows 8 road ahead.
the screen of my lumia 1020 wont turn on, the glancescreen works but thats the only thing that works. if i press a button nothing happens. i also turned off dttw so i cant check if that works
Has anyone else experienced this issue? It is a audible noise from the actual camera lends once the pro cam is open which is captured during video when recoding video.

Thank you.


I noticed this static/white noise from the physical camera as well. At first. I assumed my unit was defective. However,it apparently turns out that every Lumia 1020-filmed video on Youtube has the same sound in the background, unless filmed in a loud environment like concerts, etc. It appears that this is a characteristic of the Lumia 1020s camera. I never noticed the sound at first when looking at sample videos online, but after getting the device, the sound is recognizable. Mine is slightly higher in frequency than some of the sample videos on youtube, the static noise seems to vary slightly between handsets... Not sure how to feel about this, but I guess it's one of those sounds only noticed upon close inspection... after all, I watched a lot of videos taken by the 1020 prior to the purchase, without ever realizing that this sound was there. Perhaps it's the same for others as well. It certainly is annoying, though- now that the ears are tuned to listen for and isolate those frequencies, so to speak. It might be a side-effect from the OIS.
My buttons are working but it seems the LEDs are not coming on. Anyone now if I should go bother with a hard reset? I reckon I'll get a replacement...

I would love if the LEDs broke on mine! Wish we could turn them off. So annoying when watching videos etc.
I am watching couple of video podcasts every week. These podcasts are from TWIT-network. This week in tech is often about 90 to 120 minutes long video. Now I have noticed that video starts to have small pauses in the later half (about) of the video. The beginning half is always perfect. Video pauses about 10 times in minute, small pause but it is not nice to watch anymore videos. (Audio pauses also, when the video pauses). These podcast are codec with mpeg-4 H.264, AAC. Dimensions 853*480.

Has someone else noticed this kind of video+audio pausing with longer videos.

I have tried to move podcast with iTunes to phone and this problem is also there. Tried also many many different podcast apps and there is also problem.

Otherwise a good phone + camera, but I cant watch these long podcast videos.

(workaround now is to watch these from youtube, but it is not same as podcasting style)
Here's my issue:

I get a display glitch when horizontally scrolling through opened applications. It's not a smooth scroll - it stutters. It's like the top quarter of the application item lags a tad. It makes the transition animation look really flakey.

Does anyone else notice this on their Lumia 1020?

It doesn't do it at all on my old Lumia 800...

Any feedback is appreciated - thanks.
For those of you who have had issues with the earpiece (static / sounds like everyone has a lisp) while talking, there seems to only be one way to fix it: Replace the phone.
Bought the phone off contract with PlanetMobile (Rogers subsidiary, essentially) and they contacted their Nokia rep to see if it was hardware or software (patch-fixable), and it's a common hardware issue according to them.

So don't go insane hearing Daffy Duck on the other end of the line, GO EXCHANGE THE PHONE.

Side-note, now that I don't have to reformat 3 times a day going nuts thinking I can fix the issue, I'm LOVING the phone and was slightly rewarded with Glance Background <3
For those of you who have had issues with the earpiece (static / sounds like everyone has a lisp) while talking, there seems to only be one way to fix it: Replace the phone.
Bought the phone off contract with PlanetMobile (Rogers subsidiary, essentially) and they contacted their Nokia rep to see if it was hardware or software (patch-fixable), and it's a common hardware issue according to them.

So don't go insane hearing Daffy Duck on the other end of the line, GO EXCHANGE THE PHONE.

Side-note, now that I don't have to reformat 3 times a day going nuts thinking I can fix the issue, I'm LOVING the phone and was slightly rewarded with Glance Background <3

Too be honest, Nokia recommended swapping the Lumia 900 when it had the purple screen issue. I exchanged over 10 phones, and wasted 15+ hours setting each one back up, installing apps, etc... At first Nokia said this was a hardware issue and to swap the phone, it ultimately turned out to be the programming of the display.

Although right now they are saying it's hardware, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be software related.

I can't remember what I was doing, but a while back I updated a bunch of the Nokia Settings apps, did a soft-reset and it got a million times better. I'm just going to hold out and see what happens.
Just reviewed 2 other separate 1020 devices and they both had the lag when scrolling between opened applications. I actually tried it on another lumia device (i think it was the 900) and it also suffered the same issue. Really makes the UI look flakey after using it on the Lumia 800, where it was flawless.
Didn't see this one before, apologies if I missed it.

If both the regular and high-res photos taken in Pro Cam are deleted from the phone, then both put back onto it from a backup, Pro Cam no longer detects the high res versions and the option to edit disappears. The last picture in the sequence still registers as "captured by Nokia Pro Cam" but the rest don't, regardless of the high res files being present.

Any clues? Also, first post, and best phone I've ever owned!
So, I brought my bricked Nokia back to the Microsoft Store where I bought it from. After telling the worker my tale of woe, he immediately offered me a replacement. I mentioned how the price of the phone had dropped $100 shortly after I purchased the phone and he actually adjusted the price for me and refunded me $100.. Not only that, he gave me another $10 app gift card for my troubles. Let's just say I am very happy with how it was handled and will remain a customer.
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