Nokia Lumia 1020 Bugs and Defects

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After re-enabling Background processing for Accuweather I got a reboot after 8 hours of uptime. I uninstalled the Accuweather app and will use Bing weather. I think the data comes from accuweather anyway.

Anecdotal evidence to be sure, but I refuse to believe the base OS is this unstable. It has to be an app causing this. But then why should an errant app be able to bring down the whole system? Maybe app development on WP is too easy....

If you aren't monitoring your uptime then you are having reboots without your knowledge. That's my theory anyway.
I removed all live tiles and haven't had a reboot or lockup in last 24 hours. Not enough evidence to draw conclusions but so far its positive.

Now I don't know what this says about the apps or the OS but I would rather do without live tiles than have reboots every 8 hours. As is I use a backup device for an alarm clock since I don't trust my 1020. Last phone that I couldn't trust as an alarm was an HTC thunderbolt.

Make no mistake I love this 1020. I'm willing to work through to a solution I'm not giving up (I also have an htc One). I like the OS when its working and love the 1020 hardware. Oh I also have a 920 that got shelved by the htc One before the 1020. I have options and for now, I'm sticking with 1020. Why would the OS allow a live tile to bring it to its knees. Thought it would be more robust. Maybe with 8.1.....
After re-enabling Background processing for Accuweather I got a reboot after 8 hours of uptime. I uninstalled the Accuweather app and will use Bing weather. I think the data comes from accuweather anyway.

Anecdotal evidence to be sure, but I refuse to believe the base OS is this unstable. It has to be an app causing this. But then why should an errant app be able to bring down the whole system? Maybe app development on WP is too easy....

If you aren't monitoring your uptime then you are having reboots without your knowledge. That's my theory anyway.

Yup, Bing Weather sources its data from Accuweather.

Also, about the reboot part, I was surprised to find out my phone rebooted this morning. Don't know why, still looking for the cause.
Anyone else having issues with the audio jack on their 1020? My most recent (and biggest problem) with it is now the right stereo audio channel has faded. It hasn't gone out completely, but it's VERY faded, it creates a very awkward and noticeable effect when watching videos or listening to music with headphones on. I've tested the headphones, they work fine, my phone is the problem.

I might take it into a store and swap it, but it's the only noticeable flaw with this device, and I'm getting amazing battery life (I've heard some units are getting lackluster battery life). Besides, Windows Phone has awful backup and restoration options.

Any input on this? No idea what caused it to go dead. I was a plane ride and it was working normally. I briefly removed my headphones, and when I reinserted them, I noticed the right audio channel was extremely faded. Maybe I damaged the jack? All I know is, I can no longer stand using my device for media if I need headphones, the effect is obnoxious and bothers me.
Making Progress on Reboot Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting steps:

1. Disable all background tasks = no more rebooting. Phone can go 24 hours which is my customary maintenance reboot SOP. At least I'm convinced it's not hardware fault.

2. After the success of step 1, I enable background tasks for *only* the Accuweather app = a phone reboot after about 8 hours

3. Uninstall Accuweather app and *re-enable* all background tasks = now on 33+ hours of uptime. Going to hold off on my customary daily reboot to see how long it lasts.

I'm not 100% convinced, but I'm being led by this limited testing to believe that the Accuweather app was causing my reboots.
Re: Making Progress on Reboot Troubleshooting

I uninstalled the accu and installed Bing a long time ago.. Still having reboots. I'm not an expert but is there anyways to view the logs or to send them to Nokia.
Re: Making Progress on Reboot Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting steps:

1. Disable all background tasks = no more rebooting. Phone can go 24 hours which is my customary maintenance reboot SOP.

Why are you doing that mate? Rebooting every day? That's crazy, phones should go months without the need of a reboot..
Re: Making Progress on Reboot Troubleshooting

I'm sure they can. Reliability is more important for me than bragging rights. So it's just something I do (reboot regularly, be it 1 day or 5, I almost never go more than 7 days without a reboot).

Why are you doing that mate? Rebooting every day? That's crazy, phones should go months without the need of a reboot..
It's not bragging rights lol, it's just something it shouldn't be done that often, it's a very bad product if it forces you to do that.
Since I'm going back to Denmark tomorrow and therefore won't be able to return my phone I really hope this is a software issue and not hardware... That would really make me sad :/
When I first got this, it froze, so did a soft reset. It's reboot itself at least 3 times since, got it 2nd day it was out. Just now, it stopped reading SIM cards? I have tried everything! Looks like it will have to go back! Anyone know what the MS STORE warranty is for swapping devices?:crying:
Mine acted up on Saturday.

For no reason, the phone started vibrating and it would not stop. I had to google how to soft reset the phone since it did not respond to anything else.
Was closing in on 48 hours uptime when I went to sleep last night. Woke with 3 hours uptime. Months? Pics or it didn't happen ;-)
Hmm...Not sure if this is a problem or not yet. But, I just got my 1020 a day ago and I've noticed something weird at work. I show full bars for signal but when someone calls, the phone doesn't always ring, it just goes right to vm. Sometimes it rings, sometimes it goes straight to vm.

Where I work, I didn't always get a good signal with my previous phone, and sometimes I'd get no service - the weird says I'm get like 4-5 bars, but it doesn't always ring. I have a feeling that even though the phone says I have service, I probably don't. Weird.

New bug has occurred one time in each of the last two days. Essentially the rotation of the screen become locked. I.e. Cannot switch between landscape and portrait. I am certain it is relates to the pro cam app in some way. Both times it happened I was taking a lot of pics and constantly locking and unlocking my phone and rebooting the camera app. Locks the rotation on the whole OS. I didn't notice for a log while the second time and all my pics came out sideways cuz the phone couldn't tell which way was up. It fixes itself with a soft reset.
A couple of things, probably software related, ie Nokia Procam..

Customer transferred photos from PC that were taken with a different device. In the thumbnail preview on the phone, the clarity was fine, open it and it was distorted unless you zoomed in a little. Also, none of the pictures taken with the phone or else where would rotate. Performed a soft reset, still prevalent.

Will see if a hard reset is needed, but I don't think it will.

there is a discussion on reddit about that. Seems the photos in the windows album gets downsampled so that it runs smoothly. use hdphotoviewer to view your pictures in original quality Why Photos look "Soft" in Windows Phone's Camera Roll : windowsphone
Has anyone noticed that their white balance seems a bit off? A lot of the pictures that I take inside come out looking too yellowish. Not sure if its a software issue or an issue with the actual camera! Anyone else notice this? I want to confirm before I call Nokia care.
Since I've gone back to Denmark I've had constant 4g signal. No reboots for about 5 days.
When I was in America the signal dropped often and I was roaming. I had constant reboots, highest was 8 in one day.
What are the odds that bad service/signal strength could cause such problems.
Not sure. But I am glad to hear that everything is going well with your 1020. Always a little concern when you are away from the warranty country of origin.

Since I've gone back to Denmark I've had constant 4g signal. No reboots for about 5 days.
When I was in America the signal dropped often and I was roaming. I had constant reboots, highest was 8 in one day.
What are the odds that bad service/signal strength could cause such problems.
I reset my 1020 yesterday and, of course, I had to babysit it all day to finally get the spinning gears problem resolved. During the restore from existing backup process, it went to 97% before it gave an error message, and said if I wanted to restore it from an existing backup I would have to reset it again. No thanks. Anyways, some of my apps were reinstalled, I had to manually do a few others, but everything was fine otherwise. I've been using it all day; I rebooted it a few minutes ago, and this screen came up:

I choose skip, it said something about the phone setup being complete, and then I got another welcome test message. Everything is normal, except I had to enter my FB pw again. Odd....
I'm having problems with the headphone jack on my Lumia 1020.

I plugged in a set of headphones the other day, primarily to test the FM Radio function (which worked fine) but I was only hearing sound on one side so I jiggled the connector a bit and I started to hear static and sound would intermittently come out of one or both sides. Thinking that I had bad headphones, I tried this with three other headphones and had the same results.

As an additional test, I tried all these headphones on my old Samsung Focus and had no problems whatsoever, no matter how much I jiggled or spun the connector.

To me this sounds like a phone hardware problem. What do you think?

I have the same problem with my Lumia 920 it only happens 1 time in a month about, but just do a soft reset and it should be ok.
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