(Microsoft Lumia 735, Verizon, Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2, Lumia Denim)
I have a problem with headphones that seems to be quite unique. At least, I haven't been able to find any related posts.
When my headphones are plugged in, regardless of the type, brand, etc., any notifications the come in or ringtones from phone calls will play through the headphones AND AT THE SAME TIME BLAST ON MAX VOLUME THROUGH THE PHONE SPEAKER.
This took awhile for me to notice because, well, I had headphones in and they were playing the same exact sound. I first noticed it when I had my phone sitting on my desk with the headphones still plugged in and a call came through, and, like I said before, the ringtone was blasting on full volume. It does the same for text messages and any other notification, and I have confirmed that it happens whether music is playing or not. I have tried a hard reset to fix the issue, but to no avail.
Being that I work in a quiet office and love listening to music and podcasts while I work, this is a HUGE problem for me. Has anyone else run into this issue, or does anyone know what I can do to fix it? PLEASE HELP! :unhappy: