Nokia Lumia 730 & 735 Bugs and Defects

An error about my SD Card popped up, but I declined the fix. I changed my background picture before that.
So now I can't open: Music, People, or check my storage. Can't check Phone or SD Card storage from PC either.
Performed the Soft Reset a few times, still the same.
If you are surfing the web alot, yes. you should develop a habit of deleting history in internet explorer everytime.
I have been using the phone for 5 months. Only problem i facing was the growing size of System Category files. About one month before free space in my phone storage become 900MB and the System Category file size was 5.1GB. I have done the factory reset and everything returned to normal. System category size changed to 3.17GB.

Yesterday when I checked my storage sense, have noticed that the system category size again started growing and it is now 4.19GB.
Is this a normal behavior..??
Anybody seen this problem before..

If you are surfing the web alot, yes. you should develop a habit of deleting history in internet explorer everytime
An error about my SD Card popped up, but I declined the fix. I changed my background picture before that.
So now I can't open: Music, People, or check my storage. Can't check Phone or SD Card storage from PC either.
Performed the Soft Reset a few times, still the same.

Try mounting the sd card in a card reader and fix it with your pc.
I have already tried it. It doesn't work.
I think, in the previous versions of windows, there was a problem. Growing of Other files category.

May be in windows 8, the size of the growing other files together with system files, so that the other files growing size problem nee d to be resolved.

I have attached the screenshot of my phone memory view in Storage sense.
I can't 😞 set up office says something went wrong.I already have Microsoft account and I tried it by resting office and phone.and also I connected to Gmail but I can't access it's faded. And I also need to know whether Cortana supports for Sri Lanka.
I have also a same cellphone Lumia 730 and it automatically restart after every 4 hours....plz solve this asap.....
Anyone can reclaim few 50 megs by clearing some old & unneeded emails, also see to it deleted msgs are deleted from trash as well. Merge duplicate contacts.
Hi, I have a problem on my lumia 730, it's had a boot loop infinitely, after I click power button, it's show nokia logo, and then two gears but it doesn't progress after that it had a sad face, if I click power button and volume down button it just boot to nokia logo and repeat that infinitely too, please help. Thank u so much for any help :D
Hi, I have a problem on my lumia 730, it's had a boot loop infinitely, after I click power button, it's show nokia logo, and then two gears but it doesn't progress after that it had a sad face, if I click power button and volume down button it just boot to nokia logo and repeat that infinitely too, please help. Thank u so much for any help :D

I think a trip to the Windows Device Recovery Tool is in order
(Microsoft Lumia 735, Verizon, Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2, Lumia Denim)

I have a problem with headphones that seems to be quite unique. At least, I haven't been able to find any related posts.

When my headphones are plugged in, regardless of the type, brand, etc., any notifications the come in or ringtones from phone calls will play through the headphones AND AT THE SAME TIME BLAST ON MAX VOLUME THROUGH THE PHONE SPEAKER.

This took awhile for me to notice because, well, I had headphones in and they were playing the same exact sound. I first noticed it when I had my phone sitting on my desk with the headphones still plugged in and a call came through, and, like I said before, the ringtone was blasting on full volume. It does the same for text messages and any other notification, and I have confirmed that it happens whether music is playing or not. I have tried a hard reset to fix the issue, but to no avail.

Being that I work in a quiet office and love listening to music and podcasts while I work, this is a HUGE problem for me. Has anyone else run into this issue, or does anyone know what I can do to fix it? PLEASE HELP! :unhappy:
(Microsoft Lumia 735, Verizon, Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2, Lumia Denim)

I have a problem with headphones that seems to be quite unique. At least, I haven't been able to find any related posts.

When my headphones are plugged in, regardless of the type, brand, etc., any notifications the come in or ringtones from phone calls will play through the headphones AND AT THE SAME TIME BLAST ON MAX VOLUME THROUGH THE PHONE SPEAKER.

This took awhile for me to notice because, well, I had headphones in and they were playing the same exact sound. I first noticed it when I had my phone sitting on my desk with the headphones still plugged in and a call came through, and, like I said before, the ringtone was blasting on full volume. It does the same for text messages and any other notification, and I have confirmed that it happens whether music is playing or not. I have tried a hard reset to fix the issue, but to no avail.

Being that I work in a quiet office and love listening to music and podcasts while I work, this is a HUGE problem for me. Has anyone else run into this issue, or does anyone know what I can do to fix it? PLEASE HELP! :unhappy:
Now that you mentioned it, I too have the same problem, Phone is ringing through the loud speaker as well as on headphones at full volume. BTW, i'm on 8.1 update 1.
Now that you mentioned it, I too have the same problem, Phone is ringing through the loud speaker as well as on headphones at full volume. BTW, i'm on 8.1 update 1.

I have just upgraded to the current slow ring build for Windows Insiders (10.0.10586.29), (which is leaps and bounds above Windows 8.1 by the way), but the problem still persists.
I have just upgraded to the current slow ring build for Windows Insiders (10.0.10586.29), (which is leaps and bounds above Windows 8.1 by the way), but the problem still persists.
The issue is not present on L535.
the same is happening to me but i dont think that this is bug ... also the volume from the speaker in not always max .. is the exaxt amount of volume that i set the phone to ring before put my headphones ... also this is happening to all windows phone 8.1 devices and for me its also happening win w10 developer preview
i have just had an over the air update and now i keep doping mobile signal it goes off then shows full signal but can not make a call it just saying call doped when trying i have been to the mobile operator and replaced the sim card so i now no it not the sim card so it must be the new update has anyone got this problem the phone is a uk spec operating on the cytanet network in Cyprus its been working fine for 6 months just problem after update that day i have also tried 3 phones resets and no joy.

i dont know if thats caused by the update or its kinda random cyta's fault ...but in greece cyta is having really bad reputation and quality
Yea um my Nokia 735 doesn't have Bluetooth well what I mean is it can't connect to anything and I tested the accessory with another phone to prove it was my 735 so what would I need to do too fix that
in My nokia lumia 730 heredrive+ struck to the same place the movement of the green cursor is not happening. once i reached to my destination also it is on the same place where i have started. and sometimes it works and most of the times it won't, please suggest. i feel it is a software issue. as there are other lumia phones where heredrive is working fine. i have gone through many websites and blocks for nokia lumia 730 gps almost 90% + people has this problem.

Please update the software for nokia lumia 730.

observations when i have tested in hardware test it always shows cellular instead of satellite.
I have just upgraded to the current slow ring build for Windows Insiders (10.0.10586.29), (which is leaps and bounds above Windows 8.1 by the way), but the problem still persists.
Just found a workaround for this issue. I activated battery saver while listening to music to save battery and did the same thing today as well, this is the best part, luckily I noticed a silent ringer volume icon and came back home to test this issue is present or not, luckily the phone doesn't blast at max volume to speaker since its silent. The problem is, it is multi-streaming audio device like the ones found in PCs,lappies etc where you can listen to music on headphone and watch movie with another audio stream on your PC w/o any glitches or stutters.

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