Nokia Lumia 830 vs Apple iPhone 6

Micke Tallberg

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Jan 18, 2014
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The thing about iPhone and iOS is that even though it lacks in features and specs it's so well polished. Combine that with the absolute largest ecosystem support and all in all it's no wonder the iPhone/iOS experience is still so popular.

One important matter is that due to iOS broad support there's virtually no lock-in, it's the only plattform that gives you access to Apple, MS and Google ecosystems (and of course lots of other smaller systems).

I've been a Windows Phone user for about 2,5 years, but I'm leaving now, by going from Lumia 1020 to iPhone 5S. I'll miss the larger screen somewhat (but not the overall form factor) but that's about it. I still really like MS productivity apps, but iOS doesn't lack in that area, it's rather the prioritized platform for MS Productivity team.

I'd say that about the only thing going for the Lumia 830 is the price tag. Sure, you could pinpoint specific things that are better with the 830, hell, for all I know they may even be in the majority. But that doesn't really matter, for the overall user experience is, for most users, simply better with the iPhone.


Feb 22, 2014
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You have Lumia 1020 and you will miss the bigger screen size? I am still asking if i am alright, or not. I am using Lumia 1020 as you but the phone is really bulky and the screen size is uncomfortable to use with one hand. Ok. What are you doing with two hands of you could use one? I also think of buying an iPhone 5s, because of compact size. But it is too expensive to buy, especially for an old phone.

For iPhone 6. The phone is really awful. How could Apple do a phone with this bigger screen size. 4,7 inches. This is really awful. I want a phone, not a pocket computer. I hope people not to be so ugly these days, but this is the reality.

Using ugly words like selfie and so on.

Zachary Boddy

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Aug 3, 2014
When it all comes down to it, it's a matter of opinion.
I've used all the operating systems and I prefer Windows Phone. Of course app support is horrid but I don't need a whole bunch of apps. I don't need every gimmicky feature. What I have is a solid, slick, beautiful OS that comes with levels of customization iPhone users can only dream of. Windows Phone flows beneath my fingers and presents a smooth, dynamic experience compared to the static icons of iOS. I take pride and pleasure in the way I set up my home screen because it's set up for me, and it's the perfect mixture of productivity and personalization. Everything I need is one tap away and everything I want is a few swipes away. I've used iOS and I can't stand the restrictive, static nature of the entire operating system.
But that's not the only reason I prefer Windows Phone. I think Lumia hardware is gorgeous. The Lumia 830 feels amazing in hand. It's warm in the hand and the eye, it's a pleasure to handle, and it gives me everything I need. Despite quite a nasty drop onto my bathroom floor the 830 remains in near perfect condition, without cracks or scratches. It's camera is amazing, and in my household I'm constantly asked to take pictures of the baby, and she has an S5.
The iPhone feels cold, and hard, and it's completely flat back doesn't feel great in hand. It's curvy corners are mildly nicer than the sharper edges of the 830, but I just don't like the feel of the iPhone overall. It quickly feels sticky, and it feels so fragile that I feel as if I could snap it in half. I can't iOS, or iTunes, either.
I'm perfectly content with my Lumia 830. My original plan was to buy a Lumia 1520, but my local AT&T store was sold out, so I bought this instead. And I'm happy. I'd love the camera, screen and performance of the 1520, but it's not necessary. Maybe next year I'll but the Lumia 940 (after the price falls), but until then I have a phone that works for me. It's not perfect, but--for me--it's better than the iPhone. And in the end I still saved hundreds of dollars. I can't justify spending that much money on a phone when I have everything I need, right here.
You can go ahead and assume the iPhone is the best phone in the world. I won't deny you your opinion. But don't you dare deny us ours, either.


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Sep 13, 2012
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I've owned several Lumia and other WPs. Lumia 830 is easily the worst, an "Affordable Flagship" that is neither affordable nor a flagship.

-microSD support
- wireless charging
- size, weight and form factor

- Slow, performance issues due to low-end processor
- Expensive
- Camera is no better than Lumia 920, in fact it has worse low-light performance
- The back cover is wonky and gives way to pressure, it creaks, and goes flying if you drop the phone.
- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity issue
- Prone to crashes - a nightmare of instability issues

I see little advantage of the Lumia 830 compared to an iPhone, and plenty of disadvantages.


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Nov 19, 2012
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DMC I Agree 100%. Ive got the 830 (Had the 1520 too), have a surface pro 3, have a surface rt, even have a new surface 3.... Im obviously a Microsoft fan. But let's get real. How you gonna compare a 64bit processor with what the 830 currently has. Come on folks! Don't take credit away from something that deserves it.
The iPhone 6 is a beast of a device and most probably kicks the crap out of the 830 6 ways from Sunday. And, one day hopefully soon (can anyone say 940?) we can say that Windows devices are killing iPhone, but right that's just not the case.
Either way I love my 830 and would never trade it over the iPhone... but I wouldn't make sucha bold claim based on emotion and not fact.


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Feb 9, 2013
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Ask any manufacturer/retailer how to determine the value of a product. The value is not what it costs to produce with a little profit added on. The value is what customers are willing to pay. The iPhone sells like gangbusters at $800, while WPs struggle to sell at any price point. That, my friends, is what determines the value.

Now, whether or not it is worth it to you is another matter, but it's hard to argue value.
Just because someone is willing to pay it doesn't mean it's actually worth it. People pay too much for Apple stuff every day. I used to use Apple stuff until I realized I was paying more for the same hardware. Not to mention that their laptops were a nightmare to repair.


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Aug 14, 2014
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Just because someone is willing to pay it doesn't mean it's actually worth it. People pay too much for Apple stuff every day. I used to use Apple stuff until I realized I was paying more for the same hardware. Not to mention that their laptops were a nightmare to repair.
I have to respectfully disagree. What people may be willing to pay for a product does contribute and is very much apart of a products value in my opinion. What a majority of people are willing to pay for a product corresponds with the device's worth IMO.
Apple devices could very well be low cost for Apple to produce, but Apple devices are loved, high quality/have great aesthetics, and are demanded, all making people willing to spend fair amounts of money on them, which make them very valid to be priced high.
Also it apparently wasn't easy for the iPhone 6 to be produced. I think there were reports of issues Apple had getting enough sapphire for the iPhone 6, causing the display to not be able to be made 100% sapphire, and only the home button being able to be completely sapphire. Also products can often have higher prices due to make up for all the advertising and endorsements made all the time
( "Apples Beats by Dre" maybe)
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Feb 9, 2013
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I have to respectfully disagree. What people may be willing to pay for a product does contribute and is very much apart of a products value in my opinion. What a majority of people are willing to pay for a product corresponds with the device's worth IMO.
Apple devices could very well be low cost for Apple to produce, but Apple devices are loved, high quality/have great aesthetics, and are demanded, all making people willing to spend fair amounts of money on them, which make them very valid to be priced high.
Also it apparently wasn't easy for the iPhone 6 to be produced. I think there were reports of issues Apple had getting enough sapphire for the iPhone 6, causing the display to not be able to be made 100% sapphire, and only the home button being able to be completely sapphire. Also products can often have higher prices due to make up for all the advertising and endorsements made all the time
( "Apples Beats by Dre" maybe)
Well I have to respectfully disagree with your assertion. I don't see how you can rate products without factoring in cost. So that's it then.


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Oct 26, 2013
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The iPhone 6 actually only does 120fps or 240fps when shooting slow motion and 30fps or 60fps in normal mode. The 830 does not have slow motion, however it does shoot 30fps...
The 830 has a 10MP, f/2.2, with 6 lens optics while the iPhone has an 8MP, f/2.2, with 5 lens optics, just saying...:wink:

yhan saints

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May 28, 2015
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iPhone 6 is purely pay alot every release getting little improvements..or should I say "not-worth-the-price-specs"
I've been using WP for years and it does what people wise, it definitely stands out..
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Apr 6, 2013
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The iPhone 6 actually only does 120fps or 240fps when shooting slow motion and 30fps or 60fps in normal mode. The 830 does not have slow motion, however it does shoot 30fps...
The 830 has a 10MP, f/2.2, with 6 lens optics while the iPhone has an 8MP, f/2.2, with 5 lens optics, just saying...:wink:
... not to mention iP6 records video in glorious mono. LOL


Jan 3, 2013
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Better software and third party support, much better design (IMO), an amazing camera, an with better support from Microsoft, I say the iPhone is the better choice. Not to mention the best of Apple's, Google's, Microsoft's, and even Blackberry's ecosystem under its plate, the iPhone is one great choice!
I don't like the look of the iPhone 6 at all. Like most Apple products, it seems to be aimed at females. It just looks too soft to me and because it's made of metal, the first thing everyone does is put a case around it, making it too bulky. I also think iOS 8 is a dog's breakfast of a UX. I find it very unintuitive and just plain ugly to look at. It looks like an old Linux Window Manager that was trying harder to look different than to be usable. Both Android and Windows Phone are far more appealing and, because the look inevitably carries over to apps, iPhone falls behind there, too.

Ultimately, though, I think it comes down to what you want to use it for. WinPhone has all the apps anyone will ever need but if you are someone who has to have all the latest apps the day they come out, then it won't suit you. OTOH, if you see it as a tool and you have a list of things you want it to be able to do, you'll find everything you need.

Interestingly, one of the reasons I stick with WinPhone is because it has unique apps that I can't get on other platforms. One in particular, Weather & Surf Australia, is something I rely on every day and there is nothing that comes close to it on any other platform. I also think Audiotica is the best music player I've ever seen and, again, it is a WinPhone exclusive.

At the end of the day, I'd say the iPhone is the emotional choice but the 830 would be the rational choice.


Jan 3, 2013
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What a majority of people are willing to pay for a product corresponds with the device's worth IMO.
Of course, where this falls down is that Apple don't have a majority in any market in which they play. Last I looked, their global market share in smart phones was only twenty-odd percent (although it has probably improved slightly this year) and I'm pretty sure their market share in tablets has also fallen below 50%. In the PC market, they remain a single digit player. I suppose mp3 player market is one but it is the rapidly shrinking exception.
I think there were reports of issues Apple had getting enough sapphire for the iPhone 6, causing the display to not be able to be made 100% sapphire, and only the home button being able to be completely sapphire.
AFAIK, Apple never intended to make a sapphire iPhone screen. It was just a rumour and it turned out to be for the watch.


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Mar 1, 2012
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WinPhone has all the apps anyone will ever need but if you are someone who has to have all the latest apps the day they come out, then it won't suit you. OTOH, if you see it as a tool and you have a list of things you want it to be able to do, you'll find everything you need.

This argument has never been true. WP has most of the apps I like to use but not all. Out of the apps it does have (I'm looking at you TuneIn and News360), many are missing features the other platforms have in theirs. It also doesn't matter if the platform has 95% of the apps I need/use a lot, I (and many others including those I converted to WP) want the OS that has them all. I had people convert back due to particular banking and travel apps for example.

Out of all the arguments for WP, the app situation should never be included.

Micke Tallberg

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Jan 18, 2014
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You have Lumia 1020 and you will miss the bigger screen size? I am still asking if i am alright, or not. I am using Lumia 1020 as you but the phone is really bulky and the screen size is uncomfortable to use with one hand. Ok. What are you doing with two hands of you could use one? I also think of buying an iPhone 5s, because of compact size. But it is too expensive to buy, especially for an old phone.

For iPhone 6. The phone is really awful. How could Apple do a phone with this bigger screen size. 4,7 inches. This is really awful. I want a phone, not a pocket computer. I hope people not to be so ugly these days, but this is the reality.

Using ugly words like selfie and so on.

Well, for me I think 4.5 in really is a sweet spot with regards to usability and portability, so there's nothing wrong with the screen size of the 1020, but it's awfully bulky for a 4.5 in phone. Now, I do realize that's because of the camera, but I don't feel that the camera really compensates for the bulkiness, it's just not that good.

Micke Tallberg

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Jan 18, 2014
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This argument has never been true. WP has most of the apps I like to use but not all. Out of the apps it does have (I'm looking at you TuneIn and News360), many are missing features the other platforms have in theirs. It also doesn't matter if the platform has 95% of the apps I need/use a lot, I (and many others including those I converted to WP) want the OS that has them all. I had people convert back due to particular banking and travel apps for example.

Out of all the arguments for WP, the app situation should never be included.

I totally agree. There are two aspects to the app gap:

1. Some more or less critical apps for banking and different services are missing. It really doesn't matter if 95% of the apps are there,or even 99.5%, if I'm still missing one or more critical apps.

2. Many apps are still on a sub-par level, or unofficial variants that may break if services change (which has happened a few time for 6Tag for instance).

So anyone not acknowledging that Win lacks in the app department is simply just ignoring the truth. Whatever one thinks of it otherwise, there is no denying that iOS is way ahead of the competition when it comes to app support (and that includes Android even though the gap is a lot smaller there).


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Aug 11, 2013
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- The back cover is wonky and gives way to pressure, it creaks, and goes flying if you drop the phone.
The back cover flying off when dropped is a safety feature. Even my old 5530 did that. It does so that when it hits the ground, some of the force would go in to ejecting the battery and less in to the phone itself


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Dec 1, 2012
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The back cover flying off when dropped is a safety feature. Even my old 5530 did that. It does so that when it hits the ground, some of the force would go in to ejecting the battery and less in to the phone itself

I've always said that too. It looks awful when you drop your phone and the phone, the back cover, and the battery go flying in 3 different directions. But most times you gather the pieces, reassemble them, and you're good to go. The phone flying apart actually helps to absorb impact.

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