Nokia Lumia 900 For The US - Early 2012 ?

I'm glad my upgrade date was incorrect, I would have bought the Titan day one [w/contract]. It's just logical for me to see what Nokia will bring. I hope it's not some other Symbian device repackaged into a WP7 device. I can't wait!!!
Yes well i have given up on Samsung bringing out a larger Omnia here 1jaxstate1, so it will have to be a Titan.

It's getting glowing reports so I think i should be happy enough with it.

As 3 don't have it, I'll have to buy it outright (Hopefully in the next 2 weeks)

That should leave my upgrade route free to chose a Nokia if 3 have them later on.
(They have the Lumia 800 so don't see why not)

It's working out well in the end I think. :)

(I just hate all this waiting Grrrrr)
If this is coming out with Tango in early 2012, I wonder how soon Tango will be rolled out to the rest of the WP devices.

I hope this comes out with 32GB to differentiate it from the other current generation devices. Even if it comes with LTE, not enough people will be able to take advantage of it for it to make a difference.

He's getting excited already. (Looks a bit fat though, and so does the phone LOL) :)
I like it's squareness, although not as square as the Lumia 800.

I'm sacrificing my squareness with the Titan only for the larger screen though. :)

Titan still fairly squarish. (Trying to convince myself) :)
that’s a thing i like about Samsungs , they have does nice curves every man dreams of. hehehe

kiss that beauty good night before my g-f every night .. HAHAHA.... ;)
I did not want to leave Verizon but I was planning to make the switch to AT&T when Nokia finally released their US phones. I jumped early though when the Titan went on sale this past weekend. I am glad I bought the phone but I know I am going to be kicking myself in 2 months when Nokia releases their phone!

Maybe close to my first 30 days - I will pay the $35 bucks to switch phones (it has a restocking fee) and use the Focus S for a few weeks if it looks like the Nokia phone is released in conjunction with CES. Will that even work?
Click to view quoted image

He's getting excited already. (Looks a bit fat though, and so does the phone LOL) :)

Dunno if you are serious or not, but the phone pictured above is by yankodesign, their own look on how Nokia's WP could look like back from 2010. Unfortunately the first blog to inform about Ace decided to put the picture with the article.
HTC & Nokia Phone Concepts by Michal Bonikowski & Rafal Pilat - Mindsailors ? Yanko Design

Absolutely nothing to do with Lumia 900/Ace/America whatever the name will be.
Not being serious about the photo no. We'll see what it looks like when Nokia produces the real deal. :)
Well what's a month ? LOL :)

Not much in the grand scheme of things! I can wait that long I hope its a slate like the other Lumia series Phones. I dont care much for physical keyboards on my smartphones any more.
I'm hoping that AT&T gets the phone. Heck, come March my company-issued Verizon phone will be upgradable...but I think that's wishful thinking.
I am trying to wait for the 900 at least to see what it is compared to the rumors. I saw where you can get an unlocked Canadian Lumia 800 with ATT 3g for for 680ish USD. But only in black which I dont have a problem with. But I am holding out until next year (assuming my will power remains strong) to play with the 900 on ATT (I hope) and LTE capable/ready (I hope)

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