Nokia Lumia 920 rear camera no longer working


New member
Dec 2, 2012
Hey everyone,

I posted a few months ago about my front camera having ceased to work. Unfortunately, I could not get a replacement unit because of a tiny (<1 cm) crack in the top left corner of my screen, which was determined by the AT&T rep to be (correctly) physically damaged. So, no big deal right? It's just the front-facing camera, and I don't use it more than once every few weeks.

Fast forward to today, and I'm on the driving range and one of my buddies asks him to take a video of his swing. I take my phone out and hold down the camera button, and the app (Nokia Camera running the latest update) is stuck on the load screen. Whatever, these things happen, I just put it away and used his phone.

Now, I go to open Nokia Camera this evening, and after spending ~15 seconds on the load screen, it goes to a blank, black screen. I close the app and try again, multiple times, all with the same result. I then go to soft reset the phone, and try again, multiple times. Nothing. Thinking maybe it's an app issue, I delete the app, reinstall, and try again. Still, no response. I try the stock camera app. No dice. Then 6tag. Nada. 6snap? Zero. Cinemagraph? Zilch. 4Blend HDR? You guessed it, nothing but a blank screen.

I am really and truly disappointed in this. I was fine without a front camera, but no rear camera? As superficial as it sounds, taking pictures is extremely important to me, and having a phone with as phenomenal a camera as the 920, and not being able to use it sort of defeats the purpose. What course of action should I take? Will Nokia Care do anything if the screen is cracked? Am I out of luck completely? FYI, breaking contracts isn't an option, and I can't upgrade until my contract is up in December of this year with AT&T.
If the cost of the repair is too expensive and it's not something you'd be able to repair yourself, you might want to look for a used device. The Marketplace Forum might be a good place to look.
That's weird, because I had the same problem on my Lumia 920...
Last week I was going to take a picture and ANY app that uses the camera would crash or go to black screen. I tried soft reset and hard reset but still was not working..
Plus, any app with flashlight functionality would also shoot me an error message. I suspect that it's probably camera/flash module or something. I hadn't dropped my phone or anything like that though. Luckily I had mobile insurance so I got a replacement Lumia 925 (lost of 16gb storage..)

If you have 10 months left on your contract then I think your warranty might be expired, I think it's a year(?).
If that's the case, maybe some third-party phone repair place could work... or, you could try and see if re-seating the cable inside the phone could fix it.. risky move though.
Worst case goes you could search around and maybe find some deal online for a replacement.. I hope it works out!

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