Nokia Lumia 928 screen cracked! Looking for any advice...

Glass on a cell phone is a joke, that apple started, I cracked the lumia 720 and the 928.
I would rather have a scratched screen than shattered screen. Anyhow everyone uses a screen protector to protect from scratches why do we need glass screens?

I haven't used a screen protector in years, I hate how it reduces visibility and sensitivity. That and you have to replace them regularly. I've also had only one cracked screen in I don't know how many years. I imagine many people feel the same. Tiny scratches don't even show up when the screen is on, and anything heavy enough to make a deep scratch could likely cut through the protector anyway. It's just the nature of the beast, you can't win 'em all.
Possibly not because it doesnt look like the digitizer has a separate connector than the lcd. I am about to find out today.

Hey Jakoh, were you able to successfully replace the screen on your 928? I've got a cracked one as well and am trying to figure out if I can just replace the glass or not.

IMHO, pay a local repair shop with a good reputation and guaranteed work. I've done enough phones myself to not want to mess around with this anymore. It usually costs about $50-$80 more to have someone do the work.
Okay so craigslist has used 928's for $150'ish, it's ridiculous that replacement screens cost at least $180. :(
I've gone that route too. That's how I got my last 1520. But more often than not the craigslist phones are a bit more beaten up than not.

After a while I got lucky and managed to find a month old 1520 for $180.
I've gone that route too. That's how I got my last 1520. But more often than not the craigslist phones are a bit more beaten up than not.

After a while I got lucky and managed to find a month old 1520 for $180.

Right now you can get a 928 on eBay for $75-80 shipped. The cracked screen is on my son's phone and I was hoping to find a cheap repair option. I've offered a guy $20 for the LCD and digitizer on eBay so we'll see. May be a fun project to do with my son 😉.
Hey Jakoh, were you able to successfully replace the screen on your 928? I've got a cracked one as well and am trying to figure out if I can just replace the glass or not.


I replaced the screen and glass together. It is impossible to separate glass from the thin and vulnerable screen, its not like an LCD. I found that the screen i bought was probably refurbished, i could see blemishes in dark enviroment, like ghosting behind the glass. I suspect a lot of ones sold on ebay are that way. Buy from esuppli. i agree the screen for this phone is $180, i got the phone for 250! Was very disappointed when i broke it. Sold the phone a while back.

FYI, screen replacement on this phone was very easy.

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