Yes, the 928 pics are richer. No, I don't believe the pics were taken at different times of day, and in fact, if you look closely, it appears that the OP was standing in the same place to take both pictures. The one with the car for sale, you can tell that time has passed, though, as the shadows have changed angle, so the earth has rotated a bit. I'm not one to be able to judge by that how much time has passed, though. It looks to me like more than just a few minutes, but I could be wrong. I think certainly less than an hour, though. Definitely not worth arguing about with these two pics - the time of day is close enough to call it a good comparison IMO.
Something I notice is that the 928 has a bit wider angle - in each picture you can see more of both sides with the 928 shots than the S4 shots.