Nokia Lumia Amber Update for Lumia 620

Terence John Vidal

New member
Nov 14, 2012
Hi, guys Lumia Amber update for Lumia 620 is now officially available in the Philippines. Lumia amber update for 820 and 920 was released last week.
Did you downloaded it? Can you tell wat all features you got in l620 after amber update? Hey actually when 920 and 820 was released in Philippines? I will b glad if you answer my question. Thank u in advance.
Those who are from APAC , can visit this link CLICK ME, and Yes, the AMber update for L620 is now available for Philippines :)

For other countries, just visit this link and locate where you're from. CLICK ME
It's received. nokia is releasing the update in 2 phases those with 1030.6409._____.0002 will get it first and then 1030.6409.____.0001. If you are impatient and frustrated and want the update as early as possible then update to .0002 through NSU and then u search manually for the update and it will show update is available instead of showing it's up-to date.
It's received. nokia is releasing the update in 2 phases those with 1030.6409._____.0002 will get it first and then 1030.6409.____.0001. If you are impatient and frustrated and want the update as early as possible then update to .0002 through NSU and then u search manually for the update and it will show update is available instead of showing it's up-to date.

But if u use NSU it erases all user data....anyway to untick tat option?
To the guys who had .002 firmware preloaded,what is your hardware revision number?Mine is Just want to make sure before flashing my phone......
nybody recived update for 620 in india?
the update is available since 12 days at nokia care center, you can go there and get it updated for free in 20-25 mins, later u can download the display+touch, Extras+info update from by searching and then scanning the apps to get the glance, display, flip to silent updates or you can just download systemapppusher app from below link
Get this now: SysApp Pusher will notify you of app updates for your Nokia, HTC or Samsung Windows Phone | Windows Phone Central

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