Nokia Lumia Amber Update India

#‎Amber‬ update for ‪#‎Nokia‬ ‪#‎Lumia‬ ‪#‎WP8‬ phones will start rolling out today!
Guys I think we are hurrying a bit too much. According to all the screenshots, the update will be rolled out (pardon the caps) LATE AT NIGHT. Right now its not even 8:00 pm
Users of 920, 820 and 720 will get all the features of Amber update.
Users of 620 will not get FM Radio or Double-Tap-To-Wake.
Users of 520 will not get the Glance Screen
Users of 920 and 820 will probably get the ProCam.
Amber Update for Nokia Lumia 520 (RM-915) is already alive but I think that's the US Variant. I will post the link to the Firmware for those who are interested in direct Flashing through NCS later tonight as soon as the Updates are live. Cheers!

Our Indian variant is RM-914..
You can't flash RM-914 with RM-915 rom :/
i was thinking of flashing my phone today night, but i guess i wait for OTA ..
This is a great news thx :D

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