Nokia Network Setup app.

My guess it that Rogers (Can) and AT&T (US) will not see the network setup that allows mms settings to change. Nokia has already let out a disclaimer saying the MMS was hard set to the carrier so that LTE could work and that's why we aren't able to easily change it.
I believe Nokia stated that it was going to be available in the US but only to unlocked phones... which is none of the Lumia 900's since ATT will not unlock them.
from the Nokia discussion board:

Hi all,

Network setup was published in Windows Phone Marketplace yesterday. Now available in the following countries. New countries since the previous version are marked with bold black here.

Africa & Middle East:

South Africa

Asia Pacific:

Australia, China, Hong Kong (SAR), Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam


Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Americas (NAM and LATAM):

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, United States


It can take up to 24 hours (or sometimes even more) before the app will be visible in the WP Marketplace.
Devices in some markets may need to be running the very latest software before the app is visible in Marketplace. Existing devices began updating June 20 2012 in the first countries, new devices being produced already have the latest version
Shortly after launch, it is hoped that the app will also appear as part of the Nokia Collection in Marketplace.
We have forwarded a question on availability for Canada and India and will share any information we can as we receive it in this thread.

Hope this helps,

right but that still does not change the facts that for LTE to work the network settings app wont be available for the 900 as its baked wired or whatever. Until ATT decides to start unlocking their devices the network setup app is not happening!
they should still make it available, because I don't get LTE on ST anyways, but I want the ability to change the MMS center....and that is NOT hardwired.
moc you rock! If someone would post the instructions for Straight Talk... That'd be swell! :) Nice to see this finally made available.
For Straight talk, here is what I did and picture messaging is working

Add new
I set connection name to st, can be whatever.
internet apn left all blank.
mms apn
access point name: Straight Talk
proxy address:
proxy port: 80
mmsc address:

moc you rock! If someone would post the instructions for Straight Talk... That'd be swell! :) Nice to see this finally made available.
I entered those but now Bing is hanging. Scratch that. It is working now.

Tried MMS and it didn't work. Restarted phone - still nothing. Can't send message. Try again. :(
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On the nokia forum, someone else has posted these settings, try it out

Internet APN
Access point name:

leave proxy address, proxy port, username, and password empty


MMS access point name:
straight talk

Proxy address:

Proxy port:

Leave Username and Password blank

MMSC address:
haha, I think this app just single handedly increased the aftermarket value of the 900. Straight Talk FTW!
Hey 900 ATT users.
When I launch the app I have 2 LTE options:

Does anyone know what the difference is?
one they charge you the regular ripoff rates, the second they charge you the other ripoff rates they meant to charge you the first time.

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