Nokia Pro Cam For lumia 720

pradeep lanka

New member
Aug 21, 2013
hello guys

As you all know nokia pro cam is only available for lumia 92x and above and only after amber update. there is a trick which allows you to download pro cam now for 720...but the app wont work, giving you a message to update to amber. download the app for now...and wait till amber comes out for 720 to check if it works..

1. Connect to a WiFi network

2. Under Settings - WiFi, click on the WiFi network you are connected to

3. Switch 'Proxy' to on. Now type "" into "Server/URL". In "Port", type in "8888", then click on the tick at the bottom of the screen

4. Go to the Store and click on 'Nokia Collection' - now you will see all apps from HTC, Samsung and Nokia all together. YOU WONT BE ABLE TO INSTALL NON-NOKIA APPS.

5. Go to Pro Cam and install the can even install smart cam..but smart cam will offically come out after amber to 720.

6. Wait for amber update to check if the app works.. :straight:


my 720 screen shots
I already tried that yesterday but Pro Cam doesn't show up.

Edit: oh, whadda ya know, today it does show up! :)
I had seen a chart of amber update and it said that pro cam or smart cam (cant remember) will not be available on L720
JFYI: you CAN install non-nokia apps too but question is - does they work on lumia? :amaze:

Installed Nokia Pro Cam, App Folder and Now from Samsung on my L620. Cheers!!!
error code : 805a0258 for pro cam

and when i try to access the other store apps it is showing as "app not available" message..

need help to resolve the issue...
error code : 805a0258 for pro cam

and when i try to access the other store apps it is showing as "app not available" message..

need help to resolve the issue...

May be you should DISABLE the proxy before clicking install.. are you sure you followed ever step mentioned here as i can confirm this works neatly.
He posted a step to avoid fiddler ;), incase you aint around a computer.

thats not only a step to avoid fiddler, its something more :D
with this you can download some app that require 1gb ram to work! I just downloaded face swap and it works fast and fluid :) i'm trying to download real-racing 2 but i'm always getting some error, do you know how to configure fiddler to see the app list of a lumia 920? Changing the phone id in the GET string doesn't work (already tried! :P )
first of all, it looks that the connection needs a littile bit of time to work, but it does work perfectly

on the other hand, nokia pro shoot ammaaaaazing photos, insanely remarkable, that only last a sec, I don't know why, but when I open the picture view thingy at the top left, a very clear image shows for a split second, then is seems like it saves or something, and a very bad, not clear image is displayed! anyone had this?? would love to hear from you guys, maybe its the fact that the phone doesn't show HD pics, im not sure
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