Nokia Pro Cam for Lumia 820

i can't download nokia creative suit and can't download here drive + i have a nokia 625 and thought the proxy fakes a lumia that can download the apps

Christian, you can't download Drive+, even with proxy trick. Lumia 625 includes pre-installed HERE Drive with limited license (only one country navigation).
Here Drive+ is free for Lumia 820 and higher. However you can extend your license from local to global and earn Drive+ by buying full license via Here Drive app installed on your device.

Here is the store link leading to Here Drive:
I followed the steps and everything worked up until getting the '8000fffff' error. All I did was keep that error window open and then went to settings and toggled between turining my wi-fi and data connection on and off a few times (so basically turn your wi-fi on and turn your data connection off, then turn your wi-fi off and turn the data connection on and vice versa) then went back to the error screen, tried downloading again and all of a sudden it started to download. I have it installed now and it's working perfectly. I don't have to upgrade to a 920 now :-) So I would recommend giving that a go. I'm in New Zealand by the way so I'm not sure if other countries have their own specific tricks for getting around the above error. If all else fails I guess just wait for the Black update.
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yes i got it to work w/ the last proxy mentioned then shutting off wifi and downloading it over cellular IN LOVE with my Nokia 820 :D
Was getting the same error code. Tried the method right above your entry and it worked for me. Good luck.
Using WiFi is not necessary here. You just somehow have to fool your phone thinking it belongs to US.
you can do that on your cellular network too.
Go to " Settings" --> "access points" --> "add" --> duplicate the working access point --> use "" as proxy and '8888' as port --> save and make it active.
Change the region to US (obviously).
Should be able to add apps to your download list. Once you are finished with addition to your download list, use original access point/working wifi do download apps completely.

thank's it worked on my lumia 820, Im in the Philippines.
i had procam installed on my Lumia 820, today did reset of phone, now not able to get it back again

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