Nokia RM-937 Owner's Thread

My HK model has the touchies.. It's like 2 out of 10 swipes that gets interpreted as a tap. So frustrating, this would be a perfect phone otherwise. Oddly, immediately after this happens on the start screen (and after exiting the app that opened...), you can swipe up and down a million times and it doesn't happen. That seems to indicate that it's not hardware. It happens very often in the tapatalk app swiping through lists of threads.

Another thing, since this is the HK version, it's not under Nokia USA warranty. Have people sent this in elsewhere? Maybe to the palco guys that Nokia recommends? And as anyone seen this truly fixed after sending the device in?
My RM-937 works perfectly on 8.1DP. No issues installing it, just follow the directions in the topic. I also changed the region to USA so I could get Cortana and she works perfectly too. I did have an issue with random freezing at the loading screen but once I unpinned Cortana from the home screen that stopped. Been bulletproof ever since. Good luck!
i had 2 1520 rm-937 and they have yellow **** on the screen/ returned both. get the 1520.3 instead. the international variant is crap
Sorry if this has already been covered but i got my white 1520 from HK with RM-937, so i flashed to APAC AUS white RM-937(im in New Zealand but no firmware exists for 1520 here)
all is going well except for the lock screen settings,
I only have time out of 30 sec,1 min , 3mins ,or 5mins, i used to have never which i used a lot, on my 920 mostly in the car whilst on charge or if im following a recipe in the kitchen,
has anyone got never timeout in the lock screen settings ??? if so what FW is it please.
Hi guys, I must be dense, don't yell at me.. EDIT: Confirmed: I'm dense. :sweaty: I needed to ADD a new profile in Access Point, rather than trying to modify the active one. That worked. I'll leave the evidence of my stupidity below..


I have an RM-937 Hong Kong version, and updated it to WP8.1 DP. Managed to restore a backup from my old 1020. I'm on straight talk, with a mutilated micro SIM cut to a nanosim. Well more like a pico sim, looks like I cut a bit too much.

Anyway, the phone part is working, but I'm not able to connect to the internet even though this worked just fine on my 1020. I realize I can't get LTE on Straight Talk with this phone, but 3G internet should work, right? There's probably a thread on this issue, but my Google skills are failing me. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I was thinking that I'd have to to put in the Straight Talk APN settings, but for some reason in the cell+sim settings pane I can only change the max speed and the network selection (auto or manual) with no APN options. In access point I only have 'AT&T' as the active profile, but when I tap it nothing happens. Well, the text moves briefly, but it doesn't open a settings pane. In Network+ I can change call waiting etc, but also no APN.

This is on WP8.1 DP 8.10.12397.895
Firmware 1028.3562.1402.0003

Nano sim is just $10. Just call in to switch sim code and you are done in 1 minute. Network settings are all pre-configured.
Nano sim is just $10. Just call in to switch sim code and you are done in 1 minute. Network settings are all pre-configured.

Cool, thanks! Although it seems you missed the bit where I said I'm dense. :) Could you give me a step-by-step? I'm afraid I'm serious.. Step one: order nano-sim on straight talk? Or call straight talk and ask for a nano replacement sim?
Cool, thanks! Although it seems you missed the bit where I said I'm dense. :) Could you give me a step-by-step? I'm afraid I'm serious.. Step one: order nano-sim on straight talk? Or call straight talk and ask for a nano replacement sim?

What I did, I walked in to my carrier's store and told them I have an unlocked unit (from amazon) and I need a nano sim (Lumia 1520 is not available with my carrier here in Canada. I think only AT&T-US carries it. I have the same version as yours... RM-937 HK.). The store clerk pulled out a nano sim card (like the one in photo below) and then told me to call the support center and ask for sim swap. The support center only need the 20-digit number printed on the card to do a sim swap. It only cost me $10 and less than 5 min inside the store. You only need to pay for the new sim card. You don't need to pay for anything else.

nano sim.jpg

Buy the way, the nano sim can also be purchased online on my carrier's site. You don't actually need to explain to them what do you need it for. Just tell them you need to swap your sim with a nano sim using your existing account. It should be an easy process.


I checked and it's only $7 on Straight Talk:
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Even if he/she has had issues, clearly it's not a widespread problem, so the claim that the international variant "is" cr_p is clearly bullcr_p.

Apart from the touch bug, I love this frickin beast! As people were writing, the size is actually OK once you get used to it. I love that I'm able to use the two wireless chargers that I'd bought for my old 920, and I'm a huge fan of the information density that you can cram on this giant screen. 30 tiles on the first page, and that includes a bunch of double wide tiles. Just great.

before saying it is only one instance. get the 1520.3 version and compare them side by side. i got multiple 1520.1 and 1520.3 and each had their share of problems but when i had both devices within my hands i was able to compare. Do your homework, then accuse me that i'm lying!
before saying it is only one instance. get the 1520.3 version and compare them side by side. i got multiple 1520.1 and 1520.3 and each had their share of problems but when i had both devices within my hands i was able to compare. Do your homework, then accuse me that i'm lying!

I don't have the money to do that kind of homework! You're not lying: you're saying something that's not true and that you strongly believe in. Totally different. :)

(if a forum battle ensues I'm out - playing with this awesome non-yellow RM937)
before saying it is only one instance. get the 1520.3 version and compare them side by side. i got multiple 1520.1 and 1520.3 and each had their share of problems but when i had both devices within my hands i was able to compare. Do your homework, then accuse me that i'm lying!

After several people asked you to provide evidence of your six 1520s you couldn't or didn't show any. Yes you showed a photo of a phone but you could have got that from the net.
I've had my RM-937 for just about a month now, from Hong Kong, and I haven't experienced or seen any issue with my phone. Once in a very long while it does mistaken a swipe gesture for a tap and sometimes the double tap on my lock screen does not register, but these two issues happen so infrequently it is merely a momentary annoyance. As for the 'yellow' tint, I don't see it. I've imported pictures onto my surface and compared the images between the two and I don't see any difference at all with the naked eye.

My only gripe, and it's an issue I knew about but still chose to buy the phone, is if I'm driving along the highway the phone sometimes drops calls as its switching from 3G to H+ or another frequency band. I probably would not have this issue if I got the 938 variant but I couldn't justify the almost $300 difference(got a great deal on the 937). If anyone else is on the FIDO network in Toronto, let me know if you experience the same thing.
Wow, that's not good. I just bought a 937 to use on T-Mobile but wasn't aware of this. I have a long commute and often use the time to make some calls. I wonder, if you turn mobile data off or restrict it to 2G or 3G only, will the phone still drop calls as it moves between cell towers?
I've had my RM-937 for just about a month now, from Hong Kong, and I haven't experienced or seen any issue with my phone. Once in a very long while it does mistaken a swipe gesture for a tap and sometimes the double tap on my lock screen does not register, but these two issues happen so infrequently it is merely a momentary annoyance. As for the 'yellow' tint, I don't see it. I've imported pictures onto my surface and compared the images between the two and I don't see any difference at all with the naked eye.

My only gripe, and it's an issue I knew about but still chose to buy the phone, is if I'm driving along the highway the phone sometimes drops calls as its switching from 3G to H+ or another frequency band. I probably would not have this issue if I got the 938 variant but I couldn't justify the almost $300 difference(got a great deal on the 937). If anyone else is on the FIDO network in Toronto, let me know if you experience the same thing.

How would you know if it's a 1520 problem or just a network hiccup? Dropped calls happen to everybody.

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After several people asked you to provide evidence of your six 1520s you couldn't or didn't show any. Yes you showed a photo of a phone but you could have got that from the net.

well and the video i uploaded? also fake or stolen from some place? again, before you bash my theory, check both versions and check the difference in build quality and screen. if i took any pic from the internet the whole forum will be more happy to bust me out. Since no such evidence, take what I post as genuine.
How would you know if it's a 1520 problem or just a network hiccup?


i was referring for yellow tint on the screen not the images taken with lumia 1520. but if that also isn't your case, then kudos to u!
i was referring for yellow tint on the screen not the images taken with lumia 1520. but if that also isn't your case, then kudos to u!

Have you tried recalibrating your Lumia Color Profile in settings? A yellow tint sounds like a software/calibration error as opposed to a faulty LCD.

Especially since the production process of LCD displays has been well understood and adopted over the past few years.

Let us know how you get on.

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