Not receiving text msg from iphone users


New member
Sep 21, 2013
I had the same issue where I could not receive Imessages and they would reroute to another person with an Iphone. I could receive messages with Imessages turned off. It turns out that the phone number is connected to the Iphone through the Icloud as well. If an Iphone user gets another number it is supposed to auto update to the new number, but that is not always the case. I went through all the hassle of calling AT&T and Apple. The easiest solution for me was to just request a new number and give an explanation of why I should not have to pay for it.


New member
Oct 8, 2013

I'm not sure how many people will still be reading this but I thought that I'd put all the information I've gathered into one place for everyone else to find.

First things first. I had an iPhone, it was good at what it did, but I didn't like how limited it was so when I got a new phone I moved to an Android device. It was a quiet couple of days...

I learned that Apple, with it's imessage function, actually highjacks your texts to other Apple device users and sends them through your 3G/wifi connection and their servers to the other users. They completely bypass the typical SMS route which could be nice if you were still paying for your texts individually, but who really is nowadays? Anyways, once you've sent any apple user a message like this you're in the system and you've gotta get out before it's going to work for you on another device.

To be able to receive texts/picture messages/etc. on your non-Apple device you'll need to go to sign in, find your old device(s) and Unregister them by clicking on the "x" beside them and then the "Unregister" button.
Make sure you do this for each device linked to that phone number!
After you've done this you'll have to wait. Some people have said that it was only a few minutes, it took closer to two days for my account to be fixed.

Another workaround that I've heard works is to have each of your friends go into your contact info and either delete it and start again, or change your contact number from an iPhone to "Mobile" then restart their devices... and wait till it takes effect.

I understand that this is a VERY frustrating problem and I hope this helps!


PS - Please don't hate on your new phones because they aren't working. Hate on Apple for knowing about this problem for a year and not fixing it yet because it sometimes gets people to give up their other devices and come back to them... Shady.

PPS - If you got a new number and are having the problem it's probably because the person that had the number before you had an Apple. If that's the case you're outta luck. You're not going to be able to get Apple to modify that random strangers' account, and there's nothing your service provider can do because your phone is working the way it "should" be. Just ask for a new # and if you can, specify one that hasn't been used before so you know that it's clean and fresh!


New member
Oct 25, 2013
This is so stupid anyone is having to go through this. I've talked to att, apple, deactivated my number from the support profile, changed my password and even gone as far as to have my apple account deleted altogether and four weeks later still nada! I was really missing my iPhone when I first switched but after all this I will never go back. I shouldn't have to contact all my contacts to determine if they have iPhones and walk them through this process. Well I hope someone can come up with additional advice. Also I've had the same number for 15 years and should not have to get a new number. Is this happening to only att folks?


New member
Apr 19, 2014
This is so stupid anyone is having to go through this. I've talked to att, apple, deactivated my number from the support profile, changed my password and even gone as far as to have my apple account deleted altogether and four weeks later still nada! I was really missing my iPhone when I first switched but after all this I will never go back. I shouldn't have to contact all my contacts to determine if they have iPhones and walk them through this process. Well I hope someone can come up with additional advice. Also I've had the same number for 15 years and should not have to get a new number. Is this happening to only att folks?

Hey all I I think I figured out the solution to this. It may work for some but not for all. Go to Settings....swipe left (this should bring you to applications) messaging and turn off the chat backup. This seemed to fix the issue for me. Hope it helps


New member
May 16, 2014
If I never registered my iPhone what options do I have? It doesn't appear registered under my apple ID.
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New member
May 16, 2014
I know this is an old forum, but this problem is still happening. I recently switched from iPhone4 to Lumia 1020, and stopped receiving messages from friends, family and work colleagues. Very frustrating, on both ends, to miss important messages. This is the solution I've found to work:
from an iPhone, settings>messages>SMS turn SMS on!
It's pretty lame that you have to contact everyone and have them change a setting on their end when it should automatically be on.
I also could not find support on this issue from Apple. It seems they don't care.

Susanne Jones1

New member
Dec 14, 2015
I am having the same problem. I receive texts from everyone except iphone users. So annoying. I'm wondering whether I should have switched now.
Nov 20, 2012
Thanks, I'll get someone to try it. Doesn't seem like Microsoft cares either!

You can't blame Microsoft for this. That is a bit silly seeing as many people have came from android to windows and others have came from apple to windows. With no problems.

That being said, it is obviously something with apple. I remember when I came from apple iphone 6 to lumia 640 on Tmobile I ran into the same issue and it somehow fixed itself.

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