Not very happy so I'm selling both my 925's!

The worst thing possible, whether as a mechanic or a scientist, are inconsistent results when only one variable has changed.

Using Updater, I reverted one phone back to 8.0 Black and then GDR3. Watching both phones plus my trusty 810 for an hour, the 8.1 version lost about 2 minutes of service over an hour. The 810 and the reflashed 8.0, nothing! I also discovered that the matter of not being able to send or recieve SMS while under WFC was not there in 8.0. I tried this a number of times many hours apart.

Then I took the plunge and further re-upgraded the downgraded phone to 8.1. Within a few moments of getting it up and running, there was a multi-second No Service on the old 8.1. I cannot send or receive WFC, again, under 8.1. I've now been watching three phones (thank God for beer!) screen on all of the time, and the only action has been that the new 8.1 lost signal for 2 or 3 seconds.

Scanning all three phones, the 925's are showing more bars than the 810, but that could be just the design of the electronics. Also one 925 tends to show an extra bar, but that's not absolute. Again, tolerances?

I swap the locations of both 925's to eliminate that variable; microwave frequencies can be goblins!

So at this point, I seem to have two well performing 925's, other than the Wifi/SMS issues! Did the oldest one on 8.1 need to age a bit? If so, how would that explain the newest upgrade working just fine? Did PforD do some kind of OTA tweak that wasn't a full upgrade?

'Excuse me, I have a wall that is needing some serious head banging. Fifty hours into this? Frustrations?
I agree with almost all of your problems, I too own a 925. I have found a way past some problems, but my wifi calling has acted up lately, just as you described it. I also notice my HTC 8x can be beside my 925 and always get better wifi strength. These are things I can live with though. If they fix wifi calling I would be happy. Edit: I do think wifi calling worked perfectly on 8, before preview. It has been messing with my texts. I hope cyan will fix it.
OK, I walked away from this for a few days, my head hurt.

The bottom line is, my first post is still on the money. I have reset both phones at different times to 8.0, GRD 3, and the phone service still sucks.

The stretch of good connections I had was due to weather. Bright and sunny. Today, and previous days, rainy and/or overcast, even my trusty 810 is struggling. And, yes, it makes sense. Microwaves are absorbed by moisture, that's why trees can block signals.

I'll probably sell one, keep the other in the event that MM and TMO upgrade to factory 8.1, not PforD. Allegedly in October. If they never do, I'll sell it, too. On second thought, I'll send one in for warranty repair for weak signal capture.

I got TM to send me one of the Cel-Fi signal boosters tonight for free. A neighbor got hers a couple of nights ago, tonight is "the last night." I think TM just buys X number and when they are gone, they are gone. Interestingly, said neighbor had some nice Galaxy and got great data on it, could do about anything including TM TV. New Android................BZZZZZZT! As bad as my 925's. Perhaps she got a dud, but then I have two phones behaving exactly the same.
Three month later update: I decided to give Nokia/MM some more chances at fixing these phones. Not only have they not, I just got one back claiming its damaged and now out of warranty. This is a repeat of the same lie I got from them in 2002. This connectivity issue has been through four different IMEI's, and my recent treatment has left me no choice except to never buy another Nokia/MM/WP phone again.

The hours, money, and time I've spend on these beautiful pigs I can never reclaim. But I can not give them more money, ever. Fourteen years of Nokia loyalty erased in a stupid decision.

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