November Update and Airplane Mode


New member
Oct 29, 2015
With the latest update, I've noticed in the Notification Center that airplane mode is toggled on, as well as Bluetooth and Wireless. So wireless is working. If I go to the actual Airplane Mode setting, it says it is off. Is this just a visual display bug in the notification center? This some problem happened on two machine that have updated (Lenovo laptop, and a Surface Pro 4).
I noticed the same thing too. I toggled Flight Mode off, which actually turned Flight Mode on and killed the WiFi. But then with Flight Mode off I toggled WiFI on and I was reconnected. Obviously this is some kind of a glitch (among a few others like the Mail app Live Tile not updating itself) which I expect MS to fix in short order (or at least I hope so!!!).
Same here. Reset the PC for greater certainty and it still did the same thing. Must be a bug.
One idea is to see what the Airplane Mode Switch is set to do. There must be a way to alter what the Airplane Mode Switch does and for it to Toggle the WiFi and all Radios on and off. There needs to be a link between the other functions its controlling. You can even assign a Function Key to activate Airplane Mode and switch off all radio transmission functions.

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