now downloading 15063.251 on my (unsupported) Lumia 1520.2


Dec 31, 2007
I'm now downloading 15063.251 on my (unsupported) Lumia 1520, using Release Preview.

I'm on 15063.138, which I got 10 days ago or so on Fast Ring, before dropping to Release Preview as instructed.

It seems to be working just as Microsoft said it would, including that I am proceeding at "my own risk."
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I got it too on my unsupported device. Works so far and this will be the last update for me. I will continue to stay in Release Preview ring, just in case some later patches coming in. But basically W10M is finished for me, moving on to Android.
Also updated to 15063.251 on my Lumia 830. I reset the device back to Anniversary, then used the fast ring which went from 15063.2 to 15063.138, then switched to the Release Preview ring which took it to 15063.251.
My Lumia 1520 (exact model 1520.3, RM-938) currently has 15063.2 build.
Unfortunately, I cannot make any progress with it

OS update shows the following 2 scenarios.

If the phone is on the Fast Preview
Updates are available.
April 2017 Update for Windows 10 Version 10.0.15063.138 for arm-based Phone Devices

Initializing updates...

There were problems downloading some updates, but we we'll try again later.
This error code might help: (0x80070273)

if I switch my phone to the Release Preview

Updates are available.
April 2017 Update for Windows 10 Version 10.0.15063.251 for arm-based Phone Devices

And it gives the same error: 0x80070273

Just for the reference:
ERROR_RANGE_LIST_CONFLICT - 0x80070273 - (627)
The range could not be added to the range list because of a conflict.
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I'm in the same boat, Yitzhak. I just have a different phone. I'm told a hard reset is the only way to fix it, but I don't particularly want to do that if I don't have to.
Fun fact for users who still use the Lumia Camera app (where they haven't allowed it to update in the store), 15063.251 has uninstalled Lumia Camera from my device :-(.
I agree with this advice, but never tried it (but maybe will need to one day). Please let us know how it goes.

Hard reset, and if that doesn't work. Reset with WDRT, then upgrade to 10, then anniversary, then fast ring creators 15063.2 then RP to 15063.251
-- If you are on an unsupported device and already on the Windows 10 Creators Update (Build 15063): Go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Insider Program and move to the Release Preview ring in order to continue receiving Cumulative Updates for Build 15063. Your device should pick up Build 15063.251 today.

-- If you are on an unsupported device not on the Windows 10 Creators Update (Build 15063): To get to Build 15063, join the Windows Insider Program on your device and get into the Fast or Slow ring. Once in the Fast or Slow ring, your device will begin taking multiple “hops” to get to Build 15063. Older devices will likely have to take the Windows 10 November Update (Build 10586) and Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Build 14393) in order to get to Build 15063. Once you get to Build 15063 on your device, make sure you go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Insider Program and move to the Release Preview ring in order to continue receiving Cumulative Updates for Build 15063.

-- If you are on an unsupported device and want to return your device to a supported state: You will need to remove your device from the Windows Insider Program by using the Windows Device Recovery Tool to re-flash your device and use the Upgrade Advisor app to get back to Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Build 14393). From there, your device will receive the latest Cumulative Updates for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update going forward.
Then there is this additional note for anyone who was on the Anniversary Update, Build 14393, and enrolled in the Release Preview Ring just to see the cumulative updates ahead of their public release:

Please note: If your device was in the Release Preview ring and receiving Cumulative Updates (Build for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update previously but no longer supported for the Windows 10 Creators Update – your device will no longer receive updates via the Release Preview ring. You will need to go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Insider Program and press the “Stop Insider Preview builds” button to leave the program. You will then continue receive Cumulative Updates (Build for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Hi,my handset is Lumia 1520,and as they said I can't get creator updates unless being on insider's release preview ring,I'm now on 15063.2. By switching to fast/slow ring,but then I've switched back to release preview ring to get 15063.251,ok? When I try to get this build,my device finds this build but when its going to start downloading it,this happens : " error code (0x80070273) " , what should I do?
Maybe trying going to Fast Ring until you get .138, then go back to Release Preview. Just an idea. Keep in mind that when you switch rings, updates do not appear immediately. Sometimes it's hours or even days.
Hi,my handset is Lumia 1520,and as they said I can't get creator updates unless being on insider's release preview ring,I'm now on 15063.2. By switching to fast/slow ring,but then I've switched back to release preview ring to get 15063.251,ok? When I try to get this build,my device finds this build but when its going to start downloading it,this happens : " error code (0x80070273) " , what should I do?
My 1520 was interesting as it had a fail and a error on downloading .138 but after a reboot and check again for updates it started to download .251. Weird. We will see how it goes!

UPDATE: .251 installed without any issues. I used it all day and I did not notice anything different in the way that I use it (it is my daily driver). I had to re-sign into Cortana this morning to my surprise but that's it. All seems well!
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Maybe trying going to Fast Ring until you get .138, then go back to Release Preview. Just an idea. Keep in mind that when you switch rings, updates do not appear immediately. Sometimes it's hours or even days.

I have the same problem as you, were you able to solve this by going to fast release. I have tried slow for 2 days and still get error message. Been searching on web not finding anything current, did send feedback in the hub. Let me know if fast work.
I attempted a hard reset with no effect. I'm still getting the error on Preview, Slow, and Fast ring regardless of what build it attempts to download. I'm just stuck on 15063.2. My phone isn't supported and it's still functional on that build so I guess I can't complain too much. I'll wait until the next release and see if anything changes. If not, I may just jump ship as I've been considering.
My 1520 broke (long story that ends with me being stupid...) and now I have a replacement unit. I upgraded it to W10M but it is stuck on 10.0.10586.107 and says there is no updates available! Anyone know why that might be??
Please read my post #5 in this very thread for all the details.

To summarize the current situation:
My Lumia 1520 (exact model 1520.3, RM-938) currently has 15063.2 build.
Doesn't matter what Fast, Slow, or Release preview I select, the phone sees the available OS update, starts the update process and immediately shows the 0x80070273 error.
Both the Soft reset and Hard reset don't help to make a progress.

IMHO, Microsoft is blocking our unsupported phones or it is a bug in the current builds 15063.251 and 15063.138
My 1520 broke (long story that ends with me being stupid...) and now I have a replacement unit. I upgraded it to W10M but it is stuck on 10.0.10586.107 and says there is no updates available! Anyone know why that might be??

Seems I spoke too soon... after showing no update for a while, then trying to update but getting an error a few times, now it is updating to a newer (but still not current) build.

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