Number of 2nd Gen WP devices is disappointing...

The disappointing thing isn't the specs. The disappointing thing is seeing only AT&T getting high-end WP7.5 devices. Then, T-Mobile gets the mediocre Radar, and Verizon and Sprint get nothing.

Meanwhile, Apple launches their iPhone 4S on the 3 biggest US carriers simultaneously. As for Android, there is practically a new high-end Android device launched every week.

so switch carriers......

i work for BELL and get a FREE PHONE + Cell PHONE LINE!! , but they ditn get the focus so i when to ROGERS to pay 60$ a month + 200$ for the actual phone….... i really wanted the phone...

BTW for does of you that dont know.

MS has nothing to do with WITCH carrier gets witch device, if the carriers don’t want it , MS can’t enforce it. It’s up to Samsung ,Nokia , LG, dell and HTC to get contracts going with the carriers to get does phones.

Iphone is on 90% of the carriers (100% in Canada) you cant compare that to what carriers have WP. every carrier WHANTS the Iphone cause its guaranty $$$$ which is NOT the case with WP. so it’s less tempting to pay a 20million for a WP contract when you can do 30million for a Iphone/Android that has GURANTY sells!

Hardware Manufactures rely on 90% of the Possible revenue to Justify the Fabrication of a SMARTPHONE. , Just like you would not invest MILLIONS into a NEW company but you would if it was a BIG AND ESTABLISH company. ( in this case its not a establish company but a establish Cell phone OS ) !

sure MS might stop Companies from Busting out duel-core WP ... but they have nothing to do with them NOT making WP7 at all!

Example of the Hierarchy:

MS --> Samsung --> AT&T

Samsung MAKES the phone then Offers AT&T a contract for the RIGHTS to sell that phone or the RIGHTS to have it Exclusively (depending on many factors)

MS simply collect royalties for the $$ Samsung made of the AT&T contract. <
MS made the OS ,, MS Updates the OS... MS sits back and Brings in the royalties. that’s it.<
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The disappointing thing isn't the specs. The disappointing thing is seeing only AT&T getting high-end WP7.5 devices. Then, T-Mobile gets the mediocre Radar, and Verizon and Sprint get nothing.

Meanwhile, Apple launches their iPhone 4S on the 3 biggest US carriers simultaneously. As for Android, there is practically a new high-end Android device launched every week.

This! Not that the Radar is a bad phone (played with one for a while, liked it alot) but, it's nowhere near nice enough to get me thinking about upgrading from my DVP. Whereas if I were on AT+T, I might be contemplating some of the nifty new options that they are getting. Still hoping for a top of the line Nokia showing up on T-mo but, I'm not holding my breath... :unsure:
The bottom line is that it's Microsoft's job to convince carriers, OEMs, and consumers that they want Windows Phone. They have failed pretty miserably in that regard, judging by that report of 1.7% US marketshare earlier this week.

So whatever, blame MS, blame carriers, blame OEMs, blame consumers. . . regardless of whose "fault" it is, the puny # of WP7.5 phones is a disappointment.

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