NVIDIA's prediction of coding's death manifests at Google: "More than a quarter of all new code at Google is generated by AI, then reviewed and ac...

There is more to software development than stringing lines of code together.
Way more.
Especially in the age of high-level languages, compilers, cross-compilers, and code profiling. Generative software simply adds another layer between the human and the hardware.

Fretting over these tools in not unlike the people fretting over the move to assembler from.machine language or assembler to C or C to object-oriented code ..

Been there, seen it, yawned.

Two much pearl clutching.
Particularly at a time the gaming sector desperately needs to square the circle to reduce development time and cost while supporting the market's expectations.

Something has to give: the "purity" of the cost center or the profits from meeting market expectations.

Anybody want to guess which side wins?

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