Observations on the best OS (WP7 vs webOS)


New member
Jun 10, 2011
What up WPCentral,

I just recently bought a Samsung Focus and because I've done so much research on trying to find the perfect OS, I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on my first experience with WP7, and specifically, how it compares to what I think is the other best mobile operating system, webOS.

First, a background on my device history.
The first real phone I had was a Cingular 3125 running WinMo 5.0 (but I knew nothing of OS's at the time).
After that I went to an iPhone 3G which has lasted me up until the last couple months.
After HP's event on Feb 9th, I bought an off contract Palm Pixi Plus and really fell for it even though I knew it was just a temporary phone until something better came along (ie. the Pre 3).
I tried out a Thunderbolt and ended up returning it. I had 3 apps that force closed on me pretty much on the first day of owning the device and I have completely ruled out Android as a clunky, fragmented mess of a OS.
I'm also not attracted to iOS because quite frankly, it's just a boring OS. The lack of customization is dreadful and at the end of the day, I don't want to ever have to do anything involving iTunes.

Which brings us to now and my decision to "take the plunge" and pickup a Focus.
Now, regardless of the critiques I'm about to mention, let me just say that: I REALLY like this phone.
I'm only a few days into it, but WP7 is just brilliant.
I'm not a designer or programmer but from my consumer point of view, Microsoft really nailed it on the head.

When I first started looking for a new phone, way back like 5 months ago, I truthfully didn't consider WP7 an option because I didn't think I would be attracted to the Live Tile design.
Quite frankly, screenshots of it don't do it justice...and I now know that.
After playing with an HD7 at TMobile, I was really impressed.
I also think that's part of why WP7 isn't selling well because it's really an OS that you have to see in person to understand and appreciate the beauty of it.

Now, as much as I have fallen for this new girl on the block, the only girl that could take her place at this point, would be the Pre 3.
My main gripes with WP7 are pretty much nonexistent with the Pre 3.
Now, I realize every phone has trade-offs.
There is no perfect phone right now (at least not for me).
That means I have to weigh the pros and cons like everyone else so I'd love to get yall's opinions, especially those with experience owning both a webOS & WP7 device.

The things that are drawing me to the Pre 3 vs my Focus are briefly the following:
1) Battery Percentage indicator (!)
-- does anyone know if this is coming with Mango? It seems like a massive oversight.
2) Just Type is awesome. The combination of the Universal search and the Pre 3's keyboard, is a huge draw for me as I loved this feature on my Pixi. I do appreciate WP7's virtual keyboard as I find it to be as good (if not better) than the one on iOS & Android. But a physical keyboard like the Pre 3 I think would be even better even though I will say that I don't typically have a need for lengthy typing sessions.
3) The form factor. I really like the form factor of the Focus and it's the best IMO of the current WP7 devices. However, the Pre 3 absolutely looks like my dream phone (form factor wise). It is just beautiful. Every time I see a video or pic of it, it's like it's calling to me from a distant galaxy that has technology much superior to ours.
4) Inductive Charging. I loved it with my Pixi and I miss it with my Focus.

Obviously webOS is the king of multitasking. But quite honestly, I found WP7 to be just as productive for me. It's not true multitasking, sure, but it's done very elegantly and if I'm being honest, I'm not enough of a power user to ever really need true multitasking. Though it's all pretty much irrelevant with Mango.
I will say that I hope they do something more elegant than just have the background of the card view be a basic color. It looks super ugly on the demos when it's just a plain orange background sitting behind all the open windows.

Anyway, I really feel like overall that WP7 is on the rise while webOS seems to be heading down. This isn't a huge factor to me as I just need the device to be as close to perfect, regardless of the direction I think the company is headed.
Though I will say that getting into the right 'ecosystem' right now is a fairly important decision.

I have many more thoughts on WP7 and it's growing on me everyday.
It definitely has the potential to lock me into Microsoft's ecosystem for the time being.
If the Pre 3 does not come out by the end of July, then I think my decision has been made.
However, if it's announced to release by then, I could have a really difficult decision on my hands.

Feedback, comments, and questions are appreciated...thanks guys!
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New member
Jul 14, 2008
Thanks for the write up. I enjoyed the detail you went into regarding your needs and non needs. I had Android for 18 long months and have been a WM user for most of the rest of 10 years. I have the Trophy and am looking forward to mango. I probably will use less than 20 of the 500 new items being added to WP7.

In a short sentence; I love my WP7 phone. It just works.


New member
Apr 24, 2004
Thanks for the write up. I enjoyed the detail you went into regarding your needs and non needs. I had Android for 18 long months and have been a WM user for most of the rest of 10 years. I have the Trophy and am looking forward to mango. I probably will use less than 20 of the 500 new items being added to WP7.

In a short sentence; I love my WP7 phone. It just works.

Love your username...brings some fond memories. :)


New member
Feb 12, 2011
The battery percentage may be one of the 500+ new features in Mango, we aren't sure yet.

Full phone/universal search is coming with Mango.

Form factor. Well, that's a personal thing, and if the Pre 3 is just right, then by all means use what is best for YOU. Although to me the platform/ecosystem potential of wp7 outweighs any form factor issue if it means using a platform I don't enjoy as much. There may be some other sliders like that which come out this fall with Mango, just do not buy a Dell lol.

Inductive charging is definitely cool, but not something that would sway me off the wp7 platform for something else. So keep us informed on what you think, and what your decision ends up being :) wp7 is different, and will grow on you. If you do stick with it, Mango will be a pretty big jump, and hopefully bring a few really good phones as well.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
I agree that if you really like the Pre3, then you should get one when it comes out. That said, I have come over to WP7 from WebOS and really haven't missed WebOS at all. I previously had a Palm Centro and loved it, owned a Palm Vx back in the day, and got a Pixi last year, so I've always been a Palm fan. WebOS is a great OS with usability that's better than iOS and Android, but WP7 is just *fun*. Once I saw the demos and played around with it at the store, I just had to have it, and I haven't looked back.

Anyway, good luck with your decision. You really can't lose if you're choosing between WebOS and WP7.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
WebOS biggest problem is its only available for Dell/Palm devices. Okay start the HTC fan boy rants I can take it. At this time IMHO HTC makes the best devices now when Nokia puts a device on the table I might have a change in opinion. I had a Palm Pre and many Palm devices before when the Pre came out I was like finally a Palm device that works but the hardware was so bad that after my 3rd one in 3 months I ebayed that sucker and went back to my TP2. As for the OS wars I am just more productive using WP7 its just easier picking up my phone doing what I need to do and thats it. I have no need to spend hours and hours hacking my device to try to get it to do what I need it to do my WP7 Arrive already does that.

1) Battery percent would be nice but to be honest I very seldom check my battery anymore I never run out. I charge my phone for about 30 minutes when I sit down for lunch and my phone lasts me all day. The other day I was leaving the house I knew I was going to be gone for about 4 hours I was thinking do I need to bring a charger I don't have one in my wifes car. I looked at my phone checked the batter it was at 50% I thought to myself I don't need one I have plenty of battery left. Have you ever done that on your Android Phone?
2) Universal search is coming with Mango and is a must have. This is one item I think MS should have put more infuses on should have been released with NoDo. Get it rite MS and release it when its ready is a good attitude besides my device works great as is I can wait.
3) I like the horizontal sliders just my thing I need the bigger keyboard.
4) Inductive Charging would be a nice feature but this is not really an OS think this is a Manufacturer thing we need to lobby HTC and Nokia to get this going.


New member
Feb 12, 2011
WebOS biggest problem is its only available for Dell/Palm devices. Okay start the HTC fan boy rants I can take it. At this time IMHO HTC makes the best devices now when Nokia puts a device on the table I might have a change in opinion. I had a Palm Pre and many Palm devices before when the Pre came out I was like finally a Palm device that works but the hardware was so bad that after my 3rd one in 3 months I ebayed that sucker and went back to my TP2. As for the OS wars I am just more productive using WP7 its just easier picking up my phone doing what I need to do and thats it. I have no need to spend hours and hours hacking my device to try to get it to do what I need it to do my WP7 Arrive already does that.

To be fair, HP is upping the quality of hardware quite a bit from what Palm released. webOS is a great OS, it was killed by Palm for two reasons:

1. Underpowered lackluster hardware.
2. Horrible marketing, especially by Verizon / small market releases.

The hardware killed its potential, and if they would have put out better phones that weren't marketed to soccer moms, and maybe licensed it out to other OEMs like HTC, it would have fared better. One underpowered phone that came in either large or small size did them no favors. They needed more power, and at least one soap bar/ non slider (which I hope for HP's sake they still think about releasing).

Other than that, I agree with most of what you said ;p wp7 is the best modern OS in my opinion, and is truly going to be the long term winner here. And its only going to get better. Mango is enough to have me excited, I can't wait to see what they do from there.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Palm didn't have the cash, so blaming them for hardware and marketing is a bit unfair. I think they were hoping the carriers would, like Sprint did. I do agree, HP will up the ante when it comes to hardware and marketing for WebOS. Even when they get the hardware and marketing,

I still see myself sticking to my Focus and/or WP in general. The Zune is a key reason for that. Unlimited streaming, downloading 10 drm-free songs and being able to download the songs to your device in case don't have wireless connectivity.

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