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Sep 30, 2012
Hi all

I think it incredible what there pushing in CES I was just expecting an improvement performance and graphics shock to me when I read about Samsung Octa 8 processor exynos 5250.:amaze:

Which I think it 75% better performance then the previous exynos chip with it being more energy saving. :amaze:

The 8 cores is divided in half: four main cores are based on the A15 architecture, the other four cores are based on A7 architecture:grin:

This will have ARM big.LITTLE technology this is what make it power efficient and the four cores based on the A7 architecture. :amaze:

Thoughts, opinions or views :angel:
It is really amazing but I believe they need to work on making them as efficient as possible and as optimized as possible. There also needs to be applications that can draw from this power and do something useful with it.
It is really amazing but I believe they need to work on making them as efficient as possible and as optimized as possible. There also needs to be applications that can draw from this power and do something useful with it.

Yes and no. One huge advantage of this is that multiple apps optimized for multi-core could run at once without sharing cores. I like the idea of having two different core sizes. One more powerful set for when you need it and one set of low power for when you don't.
I'd rather have a super efficient dual core than a octo core that's efficient, but doesnt get as much battery life as a dual core because it still has more cores. I'd like to be able to go 3 days or something off one battery charge :grin:
It would be good to hear about an amazing battery that can last for over a week and doesn't matter what you do with it such as playing game, internet etc. :wink:

Companies need to focus more on the battery side then go crazy with CPU, GPU etc later on. :wink:
I'd rather have a super efficient dual core than a octo core that's efficient, but doesnt get as much battery life as a dual core because it still has more cores. I'd like to be able to go 3 days or something off one battery charge :grin:
There needs to be a breakthrough in battery technology for that to happen. SoC's are just about as efficient as they can get. It's the old battery tech that's holding things back. Just look at what Motorola did with the RAZR MAXX.
Gimmick, we don't need that much power inn our current phones. Plenti of examples where dual core beats quad core already. Smartphones are already over powered and undersupplied with battery life
Well, even computers havnt really properly jumped into 8 cores yet. They are available, but a very few things can properly utilize it for it's full strength. Intel's quad-cores are still one of the strongest CPUs out there for your average customer :D
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Are you complaining about too much power? :eck:
iPhone 5's dual core beats out the gs3's quad core every time in my experience. And it's less power hungry, being only a dual core. So yes, until we see bigger and bader batteries. We don't need more power in our phones. Heck. I don't understand why we would need 4. As per what it needs to be used for. I see no speed gains, the gs3 isimply don't Impress. Although being the only quad core phone I've used. That's my opinion
Gimmick, we don't need that much power inn our current phones. Plenti of examples where dual core beats quad core already. Smartphones are already over powered and undersupplied with battery life

iPhone 5's dual core beats out the gs3's quad core every time in my experience. And it's less power hungry, being only a dual core. So yes, until we see bigger and bader batteries. We don't need more power in our phones. Heck. I don't understand why we would need 4. As per what it needs to be used for. I see no speed gains, the gs3 isimply don't Impress. Although being the only quad core phone I've used. That's my opinion
Comparing phones on two different OS's isn't exactly an apples to apples comparison (no pun intended). As far as dual core beating quad core, yes the SnapDragon S4 dual core beats many quad core processors, but this was largely because the S4 was base on a Qualcomm proprietary chip architecture, Krait, which has much more in common with the newer ARM-Cortex A15 than the older Cortex A9 that competing quad core chips, such as the Tegra 3 quad core chip, were using. When you compare a dual core S4 vs. a quad core S4, the quad core will preform better if all other things are equal, and when we start seeing Cortex A15 based quad core chips, they will be more in line with the Qualcomm Krait based chips.
So put the current Lumia 920 on a octal core chipset. Will it be noticeably better? Or will the 2000m batteries be killed off much faster? Or both? Will the speed gains be great enough to compensate for the battery drain?
So put the current Lumia 920 on a octal core chipset. Will it be noticeably better? Or will the 2000m batteries be killed off much faster? Or both? Will the speed gains be great enough to compensate for the battery drain?

I don't really see speed gains ever being able to compensate for battery drain in a phone.
Android needs all the cores it can get as at its core it seems to be a cheap copy of Vista...
My HTC OneXplus with 4.1.1 is no where near as fluid as my HTC 8X with WP8...
Sure, Android is very capable, but it is SLOW... jerky... not stable.
I had one reboot on my 8X since I have it, before Portico... Android, even with all the latest updates... 1 Reboot a week is the norm.
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So put the current Lumia 920 on a octal core chipset. Will it be noticeably better? Or will the 2000m batteries be killed off much faster? Or both? Will the speed gains be great enough to compensate for the battery drain?

Doubt it.

You'd need to be doing > 2 things at the same time (not really possible on WP8), or have intensive applications with code written for multiple cores.
Cortex A15 are eating to much energy (they're not to efficient, worse than clover trails chips from intel) and are really warm. Thats why in idle/simple tasks they switch to a7 cores. And its not 8 core chip, but 4 core (becouse we will not use all cores at the same time only 4 a15 or 4 a7).
Your app will start even before u start it.

GIVE US Air bags with every Octa Core Phone I SAY!!!

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
By September all WP8.5 will use Quad Core Snapdragon 800 SOC Processors!


So you will see Nokia Lumia 940 & Samsung ATIV S2, etc etc...all with these new Snapdragon 800 processors 9 months from now! Also you will see:
- 64GB on board flash memory
- 5"+ 1080p Displays'
- 3000mAh+ Battery's
- 128GB micoSD Cards
- Wi-Fi ac support

This is all coming 9 month's from now to Windows Phone 8.5 platform. 😎
I would be amazed if someone could show me even one application that can fully use todays 4-core capabilities (except games).

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