So i have FIFA and i pretty noob at it, actually i am noob at it as i dont know anything about soccer and barely just learned the offside rules.
in any case, i play in an online league for madden on a website. The site also has leagues and like to arrange clubs for fifa. Xbone clubbers are not as prominent as ps4 clubbers right now as many switched over, but they want to build it up. In any case, they plan on clubbing tomorrow at 9est tomorrow if anybody is interested for fun. They want to make this a regular thing and hopefully have enough for a squad. Hoepfully we can get 4-6 and eventually build up for more.
Let me know, i probably wont be able to play until later, but we want to find some regulars to club during the week or on weekends.
kidofcrash23 is my GT add me and we can hopefully arrange some friendlies. is the website if you want to visit.
if you an xbone clubber and not a weirdo, lets play! Dont yell at me for being bad ;(
Also, i am playing FUT, i suck at dribbling learn me on some dribbling skills becuase i suck at that.