While it'd be great to pin it all on one simple enemy, it's not like that. At least not anymore.
Even if we took Google out of the picture, I would bet my bottom dollar Pokemon Go would still be absent. The same amount of effort for 1% of the market isn't a very easy sell.
Microsoft has paid for apps before and they ended up abandoned or companies didn't make apps at all, hoping for a payday first. A very short-term solution at best with serious consequences beyond it. (Instagram BETA)
The Pokemon Company and Niantic.
It's easy to say they would want 50k more potential users but stop and think about the context.
They can hardly serve all the iOS and Android players right now as it is. (the servers are probably still on fire.) They haven't even launched in all the countries they intend to yet. (Something something Rio, the Mayor, and "Zikachu" jokes) Go has broken records with something over 20 million downloads in the first week.
50k won't touch that. And that's optimistic.
And then there's Microsoft sticking mobile on the backburner. Apps are not Windows 10 Mobile's only issue. Not anymore.
until now Google publish one app only on Windows 10
and 2 apps for Windows Phone
the first app work with Windows 10 and Phone is Google app and it's useless so much
and most of it don't work as intended (that if Google wanted it to work)
the 2nd app is Youtube app for Windows Phone (and no one use it atall , it's worst then the normal browser)
Pokemon GO work only with Google Map
Google wont publish Official Map App foe Windows Phone
and i know that Google map is waaay better then Microsoft map but Microsoft also wont remove there app for Google
and i think that the only way to push Google to make an Official app map for Windows is if Microsoft remove there map app <<(this what i think)
else Google wont do it and it wont let Microsoft succeed on Phone's Field <<(NOT ONLY ABOUT GOOGLE MAP)
for Niantic i know there is overload on there servers
but 50~100k ppl from the windows phone wouldn't do anything more for there server the big number is the android
the server side any small server will handel more then 1000 ppl (servers that for 1$)
but anyway they will win alot $$$ from that ,afterall the account is 99$ on Microsoft and the other work is on them (making the game) and that would be prety easy for them (that if it's not one click build for windows phone) [that if Google map on windows phone too]
and we already seen that on snapchat case :asleep: