Official Pok?mon GO for Windows Petition


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Apr 16, 2014
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While this isn't bad news, i'd also caution a declaration of victory. Social Media managers don't often have real answers to questions like this. They often just say whatever they think someone wants to hear for the sake of a positive interaction. It's often false hope.

Keep passing around the petition! This is not in the bag.

I hear you. Still keeping my hopes up either way, because that's my way of Pok?mon! (I did not just totally rip off Naruto's famous phrase)


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Apr 29, 2014
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Apologies if it's been posted already (I don't follow Pokemon), but I found the Google connection a bit interesting. Wonder if this is why WP users have been denied the app: How the gurus behind Google Earth created 'Pok?mon Go'

As much as one wants to use marketshare as an excuse, it's pretty interesting.. almost seems as though certain companies out there perhaps ARE conspiring to keep marketshare for Windows Phones low.


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Jul 24, 2016
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If they don't give us a date when it will be available I'm switching. Sadly :C
I love my WP, I love the tiles I love how fast and not-laggy it is. But I feel left out and jelaous about Pokemon Go.
I'm over 20 years old and I want to play "kids game" as many call it and I am not afraid to admit it.
I feel stupid about feeling jelaous about a game... But that's how I feel. So I prefer to switch and get rid of the negative feelings.
But still I am hoping they will give it to us in a month or so.


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Nov 12, 2012
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If they don't give us a date when it will be available I'm switching. Sadly :C
I love my WP, I love the tiles I love how fast and not-laggy it is. But I feel left out and jelaous about Pokemon Go.
I'm over 20 years old and I want to play "kids game" as many call it and I am not afraid to admit it.
I feel stupid about feeling jelaous about a game... But that's how I feel. So I prefer to switch and get rid of the negative feelings.
But still I am hoping they will give it to us in a month or so.

This one isn't really a kids game. Since it requires wandering in public at various times of day and people your/our age grew up with the franchise, it isn't so kiddy huh?

Month or so isn't going to happen, I guarantee it.


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Jul 24, 2016
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I just don't understand Microsoft's approach.
Thet KNEW Pokemon Go will be a big hype months ago if they're not blind - and they are not.
They're claiming NOW that they will try it to hit their platform too- which probably will take months or will never happen. Why didn't they start doing it back then, months ago?
It would be wise to contant developers about it when they were developing it so we - WP users - could get it when everyone else does.


Apr 3, 2011
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I'm thinking the craze for this game will die down in a few months, just like the rest of them before it. MS must find a way to get development on the platform quicker. For me, i have no use for PokiGo.... Personally i don't find the game interesting, but i signed the petition as well.


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Aug 15, 2007
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I'm thinking the craze for this game will die down in a few months, just like the rest of them before it. MS must find a way to get development on the platform quicker. For me, i have no use for PokiGo.... Personally i don't find the game interesting, but i signed the petition as well.

I agree about it will die down but mainly because similar games will surface. (hopefully a windows developer will take note). Games like this should really help the hololens.

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Feb 21, 2013
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I just don't understand Microsoft's approach.
Thet KNEW Pokemon Go will be a big hype months ago if they're not blind - and they are not.
They're claiming NOW that they will try it to hit their platform too- which probably will take months or will never happen. Why didn't they start doing it back then, months ago?
It would be wise to contant developers about it when they were developing it so we - WP users - could get it when everyone else does.



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Jul 24, 2016
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I am not going to quote, but just search "microsoft" and "pokemon go". They say they will see what they can do on social media etc. I didn't check if all these sites are telling the truth but they're quoting some developers and social media from Microsoft answers, so... They didn't say it will happen 100%. Just that they're checking their options which is evading on their part more than asnwering the question.

The craze will die probably sooner than they get it on WP if they ever do :C.


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Feb 21, 2013
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I saw in this thread where someone shared a Twitter account linked to Microsoft in Portugal. That is different than Niantic or Nintendo saying they are releasing the app to Windows Phone.


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Jul 24, 2016
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Yes indeed - it is different. That's why I don't understand why someone form their team would suggest that app is coming, when it may not too. They should just openly say "Yes it will come" "No it won't" so some people (e.g. me) can stop hoping and move on or ust patiently wait.

Sader Fawall

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Jul 25, 2016
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all about Google
if Google did not mind that Pokemon on Windows Phone that would happened time ago -_-
if happened Microsoft would be paid alot for it
i see now more then 50k ppl would play Pokemon go on Windows Phone if it's on Windows Store
i don't think that Nintendo very stupid that they don't want 50k new players for there game (This applies to SnapChat company also)
Google is behind all of that -_-

else than Google hate Microsoft
if the Windows Phone got all the apps in the Google Play Store
Google would lose a lot


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Nov 12, 2012
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all about Google
if Google did not mind that Pokemon on Windows Phone that would happened time ago -_-
if happened Microsoft would be paid alot for it
i see now more then 50k ppl would play Pokemon go on Windows Phone if it's on Windows Store
i don't think that Nintendo very stupid that they don't want 50k new players for there game (This applies to SnapChat company also)
Google is behind all of that -_-

else than Google hate Microsoft
if the Windows Phone got all the apps in the Google Play Store
Google would lose a lot

While it'd be great to pin it all on one simple enemy, it's not like that. At least not anymore.

Even if we took Google out of the picture, I would bet my bottom dollar Pokemon Go would still be absent. The same amount of effort for 1% of the market isn't a very easy sell.

Microsoft has paid for apps before and they ended up abandoned or companies didn't make apps at all, hoping for a payday first. A very short-term solution at best with serious consequences beyond it. (Instagram BETA)

The Pokemon Company and Niantic.

It's easy to say they would want 50k more potential users but stop and think about the context.

They can hardly serve all the iOS and Android players right now as it is. (the servers are probably still on fire.) They haven't even launched in all the countries they intend to yet. (Something something Rio, the Mayor, and "Zikachu" jokes) Go has broken records with something over 20 million downloads in the first week.

50k won't touch that. And that's optimistic.

And then there's Microsoft sticking mobile on the backburner. Apps are not Windows 10 Mobile's only issue. Not anymore.

Cosmic Pizza slice

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Jul 25, 2016
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I vote that pokemon go should go on
microsoft phones as I have got pokemon
go on my tablet but it's to big to carry
outside to go to poke stops and the GPS is
not ment for tablets and we need it for
Our microsoft phones so we can go to get
pokemon and these days people can't
afford to get new phones as they are
so expensive and people can only afford
microsoft and they expect all the games
so let's all vote yes for pokemon go to come
out for microsoft!!!!!

Sader Fawall

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Jul 25, 2016
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While it'd be great to pin it all on one simple enemy, it's not like that. At least not anymore.

Even if we took Google out of the picture, I would bet my bottom dollar Pokemon Go would still be absent. The same amount of effort for 1% of the market isn't a very easy sell.

Microsoft has paid for apps before and they ended up abandoned or companies didn't make apps at all, hoping for a payday first. A very short-term solution at best with serious consequences beyond it. (Instagram BETA)

The Pokemon Company and Niantic.

It's easy to say they would want 50k more potential users but stop and think about the context.

They can hardly serve all the iOS and Android players right now as it is. (the servers are probably still on fire.) They haven't even launched in all the countries they intend to yet. (Something something Rio, the Mayor, and "Zikachu" jokes) Go has broken records with something over 20 million downloads in the first week.

50k won't touch that. And that's optimistic.

And then there's Microsoft sticking mobile on the backburner. Apps are not Windows 10 Mobile's only issue. Not anymore.

until now Google publish one app only on Windows 10
and 2 apps for Windows Phone
the first app work with Windows 10 and Phone is Google app and it's useless so much
and most of it don't work as intended (that if Google wanted it to work)
the 2nd app is Youtube app for Windows Phone (and no one use it atall , it's worst then the normal browser)

Pokemon GO work only with Google Map
Google wont publish Official Map App foe Windows Phone
and i know that Google map is waaay better then Microsoft map but Microsoft also wont remove there app for Google
and i think that the only way to push Google to make an Official app map for Windows is if Microsoft remove there map app <<(this what i think)
else Google wont do it and it wont let Microsoft succeed on Phone's Field <<(NOT ONLY ABOUT GOOGLE MAP)

for Niantic i know there is overload on there servers
but 50~100k ppl from the windows phone wouldn't do anything more for there server the big number is the android
the server side any small server will handel more then 1000 ppl (servers that for 1$)
but anyway they will win alot $$$ from that ,afterall the account is 99$ on Microsoft and the other work is on them (making the game) and that would be prety easy for them (that if it's not one click build for windows phone) [that if Google map on windows phone too]

and we already seen that on snapchat case :asleep:


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Nov 12, 2012
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until now Google publish one app only on Windows 10
and 2 apps for Windows Phone
the first app work with Windows 10 and Phone is Google app and it's useless so much
and most of it don't work as intended (that if Google wanted it to work)
the 2nd app is Youtube app for Windows Phone (and no one use it atall , it's worst then the normal browser)

Pokemon GO work only with Google Map
Google wont publish Official Map App foe Windows Phone
and i know that Google map is waaay better then Microsoft map but Microsoft also wont remove there app for Google
and i think that the only way to push Google to make an Official app map for Windows is if Microsoft remove there map app <<(this what i think)
else Google wont do it and it wont let Microsoft succeed on Phone's Field <<(NOT ONLY ABOUT GOOGLE MAP)

for Niantic i know there is overload on there servers
but 50~100k ppl from the windows phone wouldn't do anything more for there server the big number is the android
the server side any small server will handel more then 1000 ppl (servers that for 1$)
but anyway they will win alot $$$ from that ,afterall the account is 99$ on Microsoft and the other work is on them (making the game) and that would be prety easy for them (that if it's not one click build for windows phone) [that if Google map on windows phone too]

and we already seen that on snapchat case :asleep:

I already know about the Google fiasco, especially YouTube.

Pokemon GO's use of Google Maps is irrelevant as it gets its data direct. You do NOT need ANY maps app to be installed to play. Pokemon Go handles all the map stuff through their servers. It just happens to be Google data + data from Ingress.

If Microsoft removes their Map app, we'll just be left without a Maps app and that'll be all. If I were Google now, even I'd be hard pressed to make a Google Maps app considering how Microsoft has been treating their own platform. Windows 10 Mobile is not a threat to Google at this time and won't be for a long time. Windows Mobile's worst enemy right now is Microsoft itself.

100k more users may not seem like much but you do NOT want MORE server load. Also, we are not the developers so we really don't know how much work it'll take to port. There's way more to it than just a one-click port + MS dev account. You need to test, you need to make sure its updated, you need to do X, Y, etc. for a much much smaller potential reward.

Sader Fawall

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Jul 25, 2016
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Google 2 month ago started to work on Chrome OS to run Windows exe files and games with directx and .net framework and 2 weeks ago they showed that Limbo Game is working fine on Chrome OS useing that, and it's still on testing and work

wouldn't be nice if Microsoft make the same thing for install Android app and Google services app on Windows Phone ?
what will Google do about it ? they already doing the same :|

or just let us install Android if we want on the Windows Phones ,Microsoft can do that esay if they want to -.-

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