Keith Wallace
New member
I want to be able to stream on Twitch - but my internet connection can't handle it sadly . At least not with multiplayer games.
I really want WOW! (my ISP here in mid-Michigan) to upgrade their system here. They bought out Broadstripe who was our ISP when we moved here, but their (BS') infrastructure was so bad that they have to do a lot in order to get us in line with the rest of their system. Everyone else on WOW! can get up to 50MB down, with upload of 5... we in Mid-Michigan are stuck with only 15....with an upload of 1.5 which doesn't work that well for streaming AND playing multiplayer games...
15 should work, I would think. I haven't tried streaming on my 25-Mbps Comcast yet, but considering games are playable on 3 -Mbps AT&T DSL, I would imagine you could throw streaming on top if it's 5 times faster.