Oh, Your iPhone has Twitter? Thats Cool...


New member
Apr 18, 2011
When I show people my LG quantum the first thing I point out is that "I can post to twitter, fb, LinkedIn, and windows live all without an app. Its integrated right into my phone. Does your phone do that?"

Then they get super jealous. I think that is something MS should really highlight on in advertising. Cause when people show me iOS 5 has twitter integration I can shut em up REAL QUICK.

WP7... its better than your phone. Trust Us.
I think MS need to take the modest, but credible approach. This all sounds a bit too similar to Apple's "iSuck because I act like I'm better than you" attitude. They've absolutely put me off for life with their smug attitude.
Wanna really make them jealous? Tell them to post a comment in your FB, twitter, linkedIn, email and text and you will do the same. Then see who gets done first. Though I am not sure how that works in WP either. Can you post the same comment to a friend that has all those communication options available at the same time? Or would you have to post a comment then switch to the next option and post again, and so on? Still going to be faster than opening and closing apps I guess.
FB Twitter LinkedIn and Windows Live can all be done simultaniusly. Email and Text have to be seperate.
I dont mean MS needs to take the My phones better than yours approach. But they should show everyone that all of these services are integrated. And its REALLY NICE!
Samsung and HTC phones had People Hubs like a year before WP7 was released, so be careful who you pose that question to. The newer phones have dropped MySpace for LinkedIn, but that's the only major difference. Outside of that, posting to multiples is brain dead easy:

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So the Social features were no real selling point for wp7 for me. The Live service and Zune pass integration were. My Vibrant has had social integration beyond Mango since July 2010.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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