Okay - I'm going to call it: The Nokia roll-out is officially a disaster!


Sep 28, 2011
Between the 920 exclusives and the Verizon/T-mobile 822/810 ugly step-children -- not to mention still no word on pricing - IN MY OPINION - the Nokia product line roll-out is officially a disaster.

I've actually gone WAY back now to considering the ATIV S as my first choice. Who would've thought?
I know, right? I mean we already know the pricing and availability of the ATIV.... :)
I don't like the 810 that much though I am not going to say anything until I hold it I may update the L710 for this because the kids want larger devices but for me I'm not sure on it I'm edging to the 8x because of the screen res. the ATIVs don't know if that is hitting T-MO if it does then I'll give it a very long hard look. We will need to replace 64 devices soon all L710 Corporate devices for that I'm holding out longer before I put down another 6500
IMO Nokia's dumb move was bragging up pureview/features of the Lumia 920 and bashing the competitor for not having these features THEN turn around and the majority of the new Nokias don't have these features....

Nokia told the world the majority of it's new devices are junk.

On another note: I wouldn't call it a disaster AND honestly cheaper devices sell/make companies more money.
IMO Nokia's dumb move was bragging up pureview/features of the Lumia 920 and bashing the competitor for not having these features THEN turn around and the majority of the new Nokias don't have these features....

Nokia told the world the majority of it's new devices are junk.

Pretty much. Nokia will be DOA in the united states.
Wah wah wah I can't get a 920 on my preferred carrier wah wah wah I hate everything and it's all Nokia's fault wah wah wah.

Yeah it sucks, but life goes on guys.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
I agree with the lack of 920 on Verizon and T-Mobile... that's a very bad thing for them and consumer interest. They should have put Pureview in all their models, or at least some variation of it.

I'm not ready to call it a disaster yet. All of the models, generally speaking, are still superior to most of the competition in their class.

That said, I'm a Windows Phone advocate, and I'm ready to promote ALL of the Nokia, Samsung, and HTC models.
Well this is just the first wave.. you do not know what nokia is going to unveil in Feb.. Frankly i dont think HTC or MS can match Nokia on hardware.. so lets see.. I am sure Nokia has not shown everything.. Again we dont know if this is just a prototype of if this is 822. so unless it is announced, you will never know.. 810 came out of the blue and it looks much better than 820.. so lets wait and see.

May be Verizon doesnt want to give nokia that much of a ground as compared to HTC or samsung coz of their history.. you dont know the full picture. but i am sure ATT is going to really push 920.. If not Nokia will push it.. nothing is stopping them right now.
Wah wah wah I can't get a 920 on my preferred carrier wah wah wah I hate everything and it's all Nokia's fault wah wah wah.

Yeah it sucks, but life goes on guys.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express

I could care less about Nokia but what I do what care about is the growth of wp8. Heck, I wouldn't buy the 920 if it was on Verizon. I much prefer Samsung or HTC . But I'm not blind, I can see that besides the 920 on at&t shelves Nokia isn't going to sell. They are many that will go android or apple mow because they had their minds made up on the 920 or some variant. This is anything but a good rollout for Nokia.
The 810 for T-mobile makes sense because all they had gotten previously was the 710. They upgraded the phone to the 810 so that 710 useres had a better reason to upgrade.

I think a Pureview camera would be pointless in a mid-class phone, If it performs as well as they hype it up to be then it deserves to be a top-tier device only feature, I do however disagree with only launching a single top-tier device with an exclusivity agreement.

If the Atlas is the real deal and is truely the only device headed for Verizon then that is where they completely screwed up. That phone Is ugly and looks like an entry level device. Verizon is the carrier that truely needs a phone that stands out of the crowd but instead it blends in. If the phone carried(s) a similar design to the 820/810 then it really would(does) not seem like they (would)have quite made a disaster yet. The mid class devices enables atleast a presence across 3 of 4 major carriers. If the 822 isnt the Atlas (I am praying) and truely a design closer to that of the 810/820 then it could turn out very well for them.

So far the only true failure in the Nokia launch is the 920 exclusivity, fragmented 820 variant announcements and the Atlas for Verizon. That Phone has truely destroyed this launch on the most important carrier none the less.

As far as future waves are concerned, The hype will be lost and they will have to do another huge push to get exceptional sales numbers. don't forget about the number of potential customers they will have allready lost to the Ativ and 8X/S. They will need another great improvement to keep their hype in the future because of their exclusivity.
Absolutely no reason for all this in-fighting within the WP community over our OEM of choice. I'll reopen the thread just keep the insults to a minimum of 0.
Last edited:
Absolutely no reason for all this in-fighting within the WP community over our OEM of choice. I'll reopen the thread just keep the insults to a minimum of 0.

A minimum of zero with a maximum of OVER 9000!!! :P Jk'ing I know what you meant :P

I understand why people are miffed, but business is business and until Nokia and Windows Phone 8 can gain some marketshare, they don't have the clout that Apple has to get the carriers to do what they want.
Wah wah wah I can't get a 920 on my preferred carrier wah wah wah I hate everything and it's all Nokia's fault wah wah wah.

Yeah it sucks, but life goes on guys.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express

Easy for you to say, you are enjoying your 900.
I agree, this Nokia thing is a disaster! I don't know anybody carrying one yet! After all this, it's been out for mon...oh wait...

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