On a scale of 1 to "Are you Nuts?" a Nokia Lumia 1020 Tablet....my dream hack.


New member
Nov 16, 2013
So I have my old Nokia Lumia 1020 sitting in it's original box, just gathering dust. A thought hit me, it would be nice it I could turn it into a tablet. Maybe even find an old 2520 ( WinRT )......one where the internals are toast but the screen and battery are good. Swap the guts out and just see if this can be done.........

My only weak spot is soldering ( but I could ask the maint, guy at work to cover me on that ), but I think other wise it something worth looking into.....

Any thoughts? Any ideas? Any advice?

Has anyone tried this like a Ben Heck ( Youtube hack expert ).

My first thought was I wonder if there is SD on the 1020 board, that could be used from the 2520......my other thought was I wonder if the screen would even light up or would there be a driver issue.


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
Be my guest.

It's perfectly fine to dream.
The assembly of these things are usually done with robot implanting equipment and solder wave tables.
Just touching the board with a soldering iron would probably ruin the copper tracing.

Most of the replaceable components are connected by flexible ribbon.
You would be up against quite few hurdles versus just buying something that already may exist (Lumia 1520).

Good luck with the dream :)


New member
Nov 16, 2013
Be my guest.

It's perfectly fine to dream.
The assembly of these things are usually done with robot implanting equipment and solder wave tables.
Just touching the board with a soldering iron would probably ruin the copper tracing.

Most of the replaceable components are connected by flexible ribbon.
You would be up against quite few hurdles versus just buying something that already may exist (Lumia 1520).

Good luck with the dream :)

As I have never done a solder job I will take your word on that, I have seen a solder table that did a board all in one go, so the addition of SD would be a no go.

It's by no means practical, but just for a I wonder if it can be done kinda thing. Much like Ben Heck's 4 foot tall game boy. I am just trying to picture a 10 inch Red or Blue Win 10 Mobile Tablet.

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