On Sprint, from TP2 to what...


New member
Aug 10, 2009
With news today of the Nexus One and HTC Supersonic coming to Sprint soon, as well as a possible new WebOS phone in June (assume for argument that it's on Sprint), what would you consider moving from a TP2 to once these are out? The Supersonic sounds like essentially a Nexus One with wimax. Neither have physical qwerty's, which I prefer, so a new Palm design might interest me more than those two. TP2 has been an awfully good device for me. Hope an official 6.5.xx update goes well this week - perhaps?
there are rumors that the next Palm phone may noy have a physical keyboard only an onboard one. I switched to the HTC Pure after having the 60 then 650 750 and treo pro. May pro quit charging the batery internally. I am trying to see if it can be fixed but I am liking and have gotten used to the Pure in the last several weeks. I really dont miss the real keyboard.
I am saving my nickels for the WP7S come Xmass time Merry Christmas to me I hope.
Boy, I don't know now after installing the official 6.5 upgrade with Sense and liking it a lot for the last few days. Basically an HD2 now (ok, not as fast) with the great physical keyboard and not as huge in pocket as an HD2 would be. I don't know if I really need anything more than this upgraded TP2 for awhile now. I suppose Supersonic, Nexus One and whatever the new Palm turns out to be will get my device switching juices flowing again, but I'm in no hurry now with Sprint's official 6.5 installed.

WP7S isn't striking me as efficient for business use (heavy call/email/text/web), but we'll see. Looks to be more of a social networking and media player focus, which I don't really want or need.
We should do a poll of current Sprint TP2 owners on what device will be your next choice (assuming you're staying with Sprint)?

1. nothing. staying with TP2.
2. HTC EVO superphone
3. Nexus One (if it comes to Sprint)
4. Palm Pre
5. Palm Pre Plus (if comes to Sprint)
6. mystery Palm C40 (if it ever happens)
7. WM7 device
8. wait for Blackberry 9700 to come to Sprint (I think I just threw up a little bit...in my mouth)
9. leaving Sprint for iPhone 4
10. leaving Sprint for T-Mob HD2

My thought is 2, assuming it's as good in person as it looks in reviews.
I'm thinking 7 or 10 why I'll say it again I will never have a google/android device yes I said never.
I'm thinking 7 or 10 why I'll say it again I will never have a google/android device yes I said never.

@Big D5 that is hilarious.
actually, I would love to see the C40 turn out to be a great form factor like a somewhat larger Pre with a better keyboard, much improved battery and a removable memory card.

with Sense on each, how do you think HD2 seems compared to what EVO will be in daily use? I assume the underlying WinMo imakes it better for business than Android, right? I need to swing by T-Mob to play with one.
Have you seen the new WM7 videos on MobileTechWorld's YouTube page?

Video 1: Windows Phone 7 Emails, Events ,Calendar & Schedule Integration
Video 2: Windows Phone 7 Office Hub

Whoa. If it's possible for that to run quickly and be stable on a powerful phone with a good keyboard, count me in. Some of the graphics loading effects are unnecessary for daily use, but that's pretty impressive.

Better change my answer to 7 until this comes out.

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