OneDrive changes aren't that big a deal. Microsoft's stubborness is.

Do it's now their fault that you either can't be bothered to organize or even name your own files? Because if you knew what folder it was in, you could always use the sync tool to get that folder. No need to go to the website at all.

Lol, nice. So its all my fault huh? I named and set up everything like Microsoft told me to and now that I'm used to it, all of a sudden its a horrible way to do business and we have to change everything back to the way it was before. What a joke. People are not going to wholesale adopt the cloud strategy if you keep changing what it does with you files every year.

What torques me and the majority of other people who use OneDrive, is how it was handled. Microsoft apparently knew they had issues with smartfiles and pressed ahead anyways like this was the best thing since sliced bread. Lots of people (including myself) went 100% into it and were completely satisfied with it. I even paid for extra storage because I found it so useful. Then all of a sudden its the worst thing that ever happened. Why the change? Why didn't they know about this earlier and start to fix it? When the users started to complain, we get told to "shut up and color" like we don't matter. That's why I'm upset over this. I understand the technical issues as well as anyone else. But the way this came about and was implemented was the worst possible way. Microsoft was supposed to be listening to us. Turns out, they don't give a crap.
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Lol, nice. So its all my fault huh? I named and set up everything like Microsoft told me to and now that I'm used to it, all of a sudden its a horrible way to do business and we have to change everything back to the way it was before. What a joke. People are not going to wholesale adopt the cloud strategy if you keep changing what it does with you files every year.

What torques me and the majority of other people who use OneDrive, is how it was handled. Microsoft apparently knew they had issues with smartfiles and pressed ahead anyways like this was the best thing since sliced bread. Lots of people (including myself) went 100% into it and were completely satisfied with it. I even paid for extra storage because I found it so useful. Then all of a sudden its the worst thing that ever happened. Why the change? Why didn't they know about this earlier and start to fix it? When the users started to complain, we get told to "shut up and color" like we don't matter. That's why I'm upset over this. I understand the technical issues as well as anyone else. But the way this came about and was implemented was the worst possible way. Microsoft was supposed to be listening to us. Turns out, they don't give a crap.
Listening doesn't mean what you seem to think it does.
Listening doesn't mean what you seem to think it does.

Do you work for Microsoft or something? Why can't you just accept that most people are against this? Why the personal crusade again those that disagree with decision?

Why don't you try and explain what listening means then? Oh nevermind I should just shut up and do it how Microsoft wants it done, because "technical issues" right? Sounds like Microsoft is becoming apple more everyday with people like you sticking up for their crappy service.

It's sad that the worlds biggest and best software company can't come up with a better solution other than scrapping the whole system and starting over.
Do you work for Microsoft or something? Why can't you just accept that most people are against this? Why the personal crusade again those that disagree with decision?

Why don't you try and explain what listening means then? Oh nevermind I should just shut up and do it how Microsoft wants it done, because "technical issues" right? Sounds like Microsoft is becoming apple more everyday with people like you sticking up for their crappy service.

It's sad that the worlds biggest and best software company can't come up with a better solution other than scrapping the whole system and starting over.

Because there's no proof either way about what most people want or think. Listening means you give input, others give input, thru think about how it'd work technically. It didn't mean they'll always do what you want.

You can have your opinions, but not your own facts.

By the way, this system works. This way, you really know what is and isn't on your computer easily. If you really think unlimited storage for 10$a month for up to five people is crappy simply because Smart Files isn't they, you might as well leave the service. It won't happen, it returning.
Because there's no proof either way about what most people want or think. Listening means you give input, others give input, thru think about how it'd work technically. It didn't mean they'll always do what you want.

You can have your opinions, but not your own facts.

By the way, this system works. This way, you really know what is and isn't on your computer easily. If you really think unlimited storage for 10$a month for up to five people is crappy simply because Smart Files isn't they, you might as well leave the service. It won't happen, it returning.

First, here is your proof that people don't want this,
Over 8000 people have voted to not change it.

I did state my opinions, I said that this system works FOR ME. You came barging in and accused me of not having my files or folders named properly without any knowledge of how I have my things set up.

I'm sure they new way WORKS FOR YOU. It does not work for me and at least 8000 others. It wasn't hard to enable the column in windows explorer that shows what the status is right next to the file. I can even tell where the file is just by seeing if its grayed out or full color. I fail to see how anyone is confused about where your files would be. I guess I'm just special.

Once again, I never said anything about the service being "crappy". In fact, I like the service so much I pay for it. You keep attacking me for things I'm not saying. Please work on reading comprehension. It will help you immensely in future arguments.

As for me, I'm done with this argument. You like the new service, I, along with at least 8000 others, do not. We will vote with our wallets if things eventually get to that point,
Let's go down the list:
8k votes is not 8k people, it's 8k votes. It's also nowhere near a majority.
I accused you of saying that something was Microsoft's fault when it wasn't. I stick by that.
You didn't say it was crappy? Really?
sounds like Microsoft is becoming apple more everyday with people like you sticking up for their crappy service

The words 'crappy service' are right there.

Please read your own posts before you post them next time, you might not contradict yourself soon afterward. Also, like I pointed out, 8k people haven't said anything. You just don't know how UserVoice works.
The "crappy" comment I said was directed to the user feedback that they say they wanted badly on this and then just threw in the trash. That's the "crappy service" not the OneDrive service. Service as in customer service. Reading comprehension, learn it, love it.

Its 8 thousand votes from people who decided that this was not a good idea, registered and then voted. How many other people just let it lay because they didn't know how to go against it? Its amazing that you love this new way of how OneDrive operates so much that you will just throw away all those votes. Wow, just wow.

I know ill regret it, but please tell me how you think UserVoice works? Its a forum where people go (at Microsoft direction) to offer honest feedback about their products and policies. Just what possibly else could you think it is? If they don't really want the feedback, and are just going dictate to everyone how they want it done, why even ask for feedback?

I know I shouldn't have come back, but I did. Sigh, Its like arguing with an Apple user. No matter how messed up the system is, its great because it has an Apple logo on it. Well, you win man. You are awesome and correct. Enjoy your awesome new sync. I'll be headed elsewhere till it gets better.

(don't actually bother to reply, ill never see it)
The "crappy" comment I said was directed to the user feedback that they say they wanted badly on this and then just threw in the trash. That's the "crappy service" not the OneDrive service. Service as in customer service. Reading comprehension, learn it, love it.

Its 8 thousand votes from people who decided that this was not a good idea, registered and then voted. How many other people just let it lay because they didn't know how to go against it? Its amazing that you love this new way of how OneDrive operates so much that you will just throw away all those votes. Wow, just wow.

I know ill regret it, but please tell me how you think UserVoice works? Its a forum where people go (at Microsoft direction) to offer honest feedback about their products and policies. Just what possibly else could you think it is? If they don't really want the feedback, and are just going dictate to everyone how they want it done, why even ask for feedback?

I know I shouldn't have come back, but I did. Sigh, Its like arguing with an Apple user. No matter how messed up the system is, its great because it has an Apple logo on it. Well, you win man. You are awesome and correct. Enjoy your awesome new sync. I'll be headed elsewhere till it gets better.

(don't actually bother to reply, ill never see it)

I'll bother to reply anyway.

UserVoice is a system where people go to vote on what they deem important. One can put up to three votes on a single thread, implying that they are willing to use three of their votes on one thing.

Also, not throwing them away. I'm saying it isn't a majority. It hasn't even a large minority. You're there over throwing away any opinion that is contrary to your own. You even assume a majority has your opinion based on you wanting them to.

Microsoft wants feedback. That doesn't mean they're going to do everything you want them to do. And if they don't listen to everything, that didn't mean they're ignoring feedback. This isn't an all or nothing system.

Finally, we have the crappy service comment. Since I never defended UserVoice, it only made sense that you meant OneDrive. You claim I don't have reading comprehension, but it's obvious you're just lacking coherence.
The changes are a big deal.. the 8.1 solution is way more elegant and effective, especially on devices like the surface pro where you have limited storage.
The changes are a big deal.. the 8.1 solution is way more elegant and effective, especially on devices like the surface pro where you have limited storage.

How is the old way better for low storage devices when you have placeholders that take space as opposed to an application that syncs only what you want when you choose it?
How is the old way better for low storage devices when you have placeholders that take space as opposed to an application that syncs only what you want when you choose it?

How is the new way better for low storage devices when you have to sync everything to be able to see it?
You don't know what you put where? Don't you organize?

If I only had a few files on onedrive I might know where they all are, with thousands of files, no I do not remember exactly where every file is (yes they are organised)

plus I shouldn't need to download a whole folder of files if I only want access to one of them
​Why are people ignoring the fact that the old way of doing things won't work in a world of unlimited OneDrive and severely limited internal storage?

doesn't necessarily mean unlimited files will have to be stored there.
that solution was the best for having limited storage IMO

The space that the placeholder files takes up will keep going up.

Not really. All you are looking at is icon data and basic file information. Compared to the actual file size, it is tiny. What they changed it to requires the entire file to be synced which defeats the purpose of cloud storage.

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