MAN, I'M MAD!!!!!!
I tried to perform a hard reset on my Lumia 950 DS (which was running the official AU software) in order to solve a rebooting issue I had.
After restoring my backup, I noticed I've lost all my recent One Note activity (2 month old notes), with really important information stored!!!!!!!!!
Accessing my One Drive Documents' folder through my PC shows two One Note files, but none has my recent notes.
Where was your backup and how was the information initially backed up?
What were the creation dates for the files you still see and for the files you lost?
I haven't contacted the tech support. I'm pretty sure there's nothing that can be done by now. The data is not on my OneNote files, it's not on my OneDrive Trash Bin. It's lost for good.
From now on I'll just change my way of storing notes.
I've just created a folder on my e-mail in which I'll store all 'notes' via e-mails sent to myself. Using a rule that directs e-mails with '[quicknote]' to that folder, I'll have a proper secure way of storing all my important data (I'm using two-step verification, so I guess that my security is assured). It's not perfect, but that's the way we all should live under Windows Mobile. I can't just spend another 500 dollars on a new phone right now.