Onetube Youtube client for Windows Phone. Feedback.

You should also add the ability to open the app from links instead of it going to mobile YouTube. Like clicking a YouTube link in another app or in the browser somewhere, will open onetube. I think metrotube just added it and my tube has had it for a while. By the way this app look really good.
Please bring annotation support
and changing the resolution while playing.
Otherwise, Love your app. It is only one that can compete with mytube and metrotube head on
When someone mentioned about the minute in the comment , and we can jump to that time in the video . I want this feature .
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Downloaded it and I'm liking it so far. As others said, the font is a bit on the smallish side. Also, I can't find the region for my country Malaysia. Lastly, I always get the error "We can't connect. Please check your data connection." when trying to access my Subscription.
I just downloaded this app to try it and I get the "We can't connect. Please check your data connection." message too when I log in. So I can't use it with my account.

edit: it something to do with google+ page things that google now making... I logged in again, selected my other account within my account (I don't understand this lol) and it works now.

btw I love the video watching view with the infos on the bottom, it looks so professional and nice. :)
Hey, Ricardo could you make the music button stand out when music only is selected? Also sometimes it buffers constantly and unable to play
Yes, I'm working now in that feature also I have been working to add more features like download videos and audio files :) . I think that would be ready in a few days.
I just noticed that it barely shows all my subscription uploads... Is this a bug right now?
its not showing my subscriptions at all.:-(

.... Scratch that! I emailed the developer and within 10 minutes he offered me the solution. Amazing!
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I added the solution for this issue in the description of Onetube in the Store.
YouTube changed his privacy settings, Now some apps can not access to some information like subscriptions and playlist If the user has the privacy setting enabled in his account.
Please check If you don't have enabled that restriction.
Best Regards.

Onetube is now free :)
I love this app but since yesterday, subscriptions says unable to connect. Every other user related function works. I checked on, don't have any privacy option enabled. :( any other idea?
I love this app but since yesterday, subscriptions says unable to connect. Every other user related function works. I checked on, don't have any privacy option enabled. :( any other idea?

I can not reproduce this error because I don't have any account of YouTube who present this problem.

I'm looking for someone who wants to borrow his account for testing pourposes
I love this app but since yesterday, subscriptions says unable to connect. Every other user related function works. I checked on, don't have any privacy option enabled. :( any other idea?

I solved the problem Please download the update 3.7 of Onetube . Thank you for reporting this issue.
Great app man but one issue I found is that for some videos it says Please check your connection or something like that. The video will not play no matter what. It only happens to a couple videos,usually ones that are in the recommended box

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