Operator spash screens


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Do any of the current operators put spash screens on their WP devices (I have a sim free Omnia 7 so nothing on that to compare).

This will be a big buying turn off for me if they do and is something I will need to check out as I've been stung in the past by Vodafone with a huge laggy red blob on Galaxy s.

I'm thinking of getting an Omnia 7 on '3' so specific info on that would be cool.

My 3UK Omnia 7 has a splash screen, i can flash to a retail UK ROM (Done this loads of times) and lose their splash screen, but I also lose the Internet Sharing option.

I'd rather have that and live with a 3 splash screen for a second. I mean how often do you boot up your phone ? :D

Why do you want a 3 specific Omnia 7 if you have one already Gmotagi ?
Hi, No I dont want a 3 specific Omnia.

My wife needs a new phone and as she's technophobic I get to choose for her hehe. So its going to be wp7 lumnia I think, im just trying to decide on the network and wondering if any good offers will be coming in the new year sales. The spash screen thing is just one of my bugbears.
Oh right i see, not a fan of them myself, but i only get to see it on bootup once a day. (And that's only if I decide to look) :D

'I'm thinking of getting an Omnia 7 on '3' so specific info on that would be cool.'

That's what confused me! :D
O2 has a splash screen. At least they did on the HD7; I'm now using a Lumia on O2, but I bought this unlocked and unbranded from CWH so that obviously doesn't have an operator splash screen.

Not sure what O2's plans are for the Lumia or if Nokia even allow operators to add branding to their phones?

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