Other than a WM/WP what is your daily driver?


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
Do you use a different OS outside of WM/WP for your daily activities?
Are you forced to use another OS for your job or business?

If you are using another platform for daily needs is it pleasing to return to WP/WM at the end of the day?
Is your situation "a tale of two cities" or are you a one phone person?
I'll be the first to answer this, I use a Lumia 950 XL as my personal phone and work provides an iPhone SE. I like the app store on the iPhone, but the OS on my Lumia is my preference.
My work uses Windows phones. They gave us all Lumia 435's or 650's which aren't great (well not since I drew a short straw with a 435) to use so I bought a Lumia 950xl to use with the company sim instead. I was using an iPhone 7plus as my personal phone but liked the 950xl so much I sold the iPhone and made the 950xl my personal daily driver. Now I use my sons old Motorola Moto G 2015 model as my work phone and for running as it's pocket sized and has all the fitness apps I need that aren't available on Windows (MyFitnessPal, TomTom MySports, Run keeper, Apple Music).
I'm a chronic switcher so I use whatever one works for me for the day or week.

My daily driver at the moment is the iPhone SE. Ideally I like to have one of each platform and just change between them as I feel like it.

At this point, I pretty much use my 950 daily though, just not as a phone. It always feels nice to use it and I'm not opposed at all to using it as a phone. I just really value battery life so using it as a phone requires daily charging.

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Android has been my main bang for over a year now while I'm waiting for WM to converge into something great.
Both the wife and I had been WP users for quite some time until certain defincenies arose.
I'm still using a WP 8.1 device as a phone and camera. For other tasks the iPhone and Android have invaded our digital lives.
I think having another phone handy on Android or iOS to fill the gaps really makes the difference. I've never managed to stay on Windows Phone long term in the past as the frustrations grew too much and I'd crack and switch to an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy S for a bit.
I've been on Android for years but liked the concept and look of Windows phone since I first saw it. But the amount of bad reports put me off trying it until 8.1 arrived and I just had to give it a try on a L830, despite the phone store spending half an hour trying to put me off it.
And I've loved it from day 1 despite all the usual gripes. I hesitated to move to 10 for a long time, again because of the many bad reports about it. Once installed,I was very pleased overall with the improvement, again despite all the usual gripes.
I also use a galaxy note 4 daily because I've always had an android phone and it does things my Lumia can't do. The Lumia and Windows Phone is always my first choice but if the Lumia breaks down there's nothing available/affordable here in the UK to replace it with.
My 8 year old grandchildren asked me last week to show them something on the Lumia. They both have iPads and use mother's galaxy s6 at times. But looking at the Lumia made their jaws drop in awe! They think the start screen and live tiles are amazing and beautiful. They found using it so easy and intuitive and pleaded with me to "make mommy's phone look and work like that" so they'd be able to do the same to their ipads when they got home. They were So disappointed that it can't be done.
My point being that the media, the networks and their stores, Microsoft themselves and so many people on this forum don't value what we've got. But tech savvy children can see it, "get it" and want it because of its many merits.
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I have two phones that I use daily depending on my needs for the day. I prefer using my HP X3 but I am forced to use an iPhone 6s Plus for my job.

I work in the ticket office for the Arizona Diamondback baseball team. I have to have MLB At Bat and MLB Ballpark apps on my phone for use with customers.

If MLB started supporting Windows again, I would sell the iPhone but alas, that's not happening.

Preference of the two for personal use; the HP X3 by far is easier and more enjoyable to use.

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