Outlook, Accompli and Corporate Exchange


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Aug 1, 2015
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Hi D
Quick question. On old Lumia 920, Outlook worked fine. On my Samsung Note 3, Accompli worked fine. When Accompli was upgraded to Outlook, Outlook access to my employer's Exchange server was blocked. Why? Apparently, the current Outlook app is based on exporting log-in info etc. out of the domain of employer and into MS domains. My employer doesn't allow for allowing sensitive information out if its domain and worse... out of the country. Thus, the Outlook app apparently cannot be used for work mail.

Q: is this correct? If so, when will MS fix this?


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Nov 12, 2012
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As your post has nothing to do with Lumia 950, I have moved it to this forum and given it a title for clarity.

Good luck with your issue.


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Aug 1, 2015
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I currently use Samsung Note 3. My IT person at work appears to be quite competent, and to be quite positive towards Microsoft. Maybe the Outlook app works better under WM10, but most likely the versions are based on the same handling of information.

The built-in e-mail client on the Note is horrible (seems like I can only search among e-mails kept in memory; I only keep the last 2 weeks in memory -- if more, the mobile becomes slower and slower... at first set-up, I chose 1 year, which for all practical purposes bricked the Note, and I had to reset it.)

In the short period that I used Accompli, I was quite happy... It was not visually pretty, but the search capabilities were fantastic -- much better than in Outlook 365...

When the Outlook app, came out, it simply didn't work -- neither under Android/Samsung Note 3, nor under iOS on my iPad 2...

I don't care much for games, and to me the super support of Exchange Server on WP 8 was perfect; if MS doesn't fix the privacy problem with the Outlook app for WM 10, I simply cannot use it for work e-mail. That would really be a killer for the use of WM 10 for business.

Ok -- hopefully my IT colleague was un-informed, or MS has fixed it. But the Outlook app is still blocked from accessing my workplace Exchange Server.


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Aug 1, 2015
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...the reason why I posted this on the AMA Lumia 950, is that on my laptops, I have Outlook 365 where there is no problem. On my Samsung Note 3 and iPad 2, I have other options. But under WM 10 (Lumia 950, etc), I'm not aware of alternatives. Thus it is particularly relevant for Lumia 950.

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