Outlook syncing error 80C805E2

Big thanks, driver_king. That did it. I think with my Hotmail account, I also had to "don't sync this folder" for all folders I had synced (default is "sent" folder only) to get it to work again. Of course, after it got fixed, I re-enabled sync this folder for sent.

From what I've found, if you have any items that are in the trash, spam, deleted, or junk, you may encounter this error. From my experience with my Gmail account, the solution to 80C805E2 was to empty any of the contents of those folders by going to the email program, selecting folders, pressing show all folders, and clearing any items in the aforementioned folders by pulling up the menu and selecting 'empty this folder'. I was then able to successfully sync my Google account afterwards completely and without any further hassle. I hope this helps anyone else out there. This is a clearly a bug that I will be reporting to Microsoft.
:( Im having the same problem. for the past week i havent been able to sync my two hotmails with my phone, The same error keeps showing up and when I try to log in thru my PC It saids im still logged in and i cant even reset it. >__< I have no clue what to do.
I'm having the same problem since last Saturday. Outlook, Twitter and LinkedIN stopped syncing ! Giving me the error code 80C805E2 ...

Tried all the solutions proposed in this thread but nothing works!
I'm sorry everyone but this is ridiculous! This syncing issue has been a problem for way too long for us to not have a solution by now. I've seen posts from other devices that are having the exact same problem as us. I believe it has something it do on mostly the Microsoft side and it needs to be fixed pronto! Not having all of our accounts on our devices and not having them in sync makes our phones basically some very expensive paperweights. I love windows products because of the ease of use however it seems that obviously they are either not aware of the situation or they are, don't care, or working on it. I think we need to have some sort of answer as to what Microsoft is going to do and what Nokia and other products are doing to fix this. I guarantee that out of each of us that comments there are hundreds more that don't.
So, I want a response from someone as to how this is going to be fixed. How about you guys?
I tried everything and the only way I got Hotmail, Twitter and LinkedIN to sync again was by disabling the main (Microsoft) account. It's not a fix, it's just a workaround but so far, I got everything back to normal.

You have to go to settings ---> email+accounts ----> Microsoft account(Main account) and disable Email under ''content to sync''. Then go down and change the Server from "blu404-m.hotmail.com" to "s.hotmail.com". Click save and the phone will try to sync and you'll get a "Attention required" under this account. You'll also notice that your LinkedIN and Twitter accounts are back to normal now! So far, that's what we want...

Now click on add an account ----> Hotmail and put the same credentials from your outlook account and create this account with ALL syncing options on. Go to your calendar's settings, disable all OUTLOOK syncing and enable HOTMAIL syncing.

That's it! Better than nothing while we're waiting for a fix!...:eck:
Thanks a ton driver_king, your suggestion has worked very well and now everything is as what it was before. Thanks again.
I have the same issue. As most here, turning off SMS backup works every time. I "assume" that means there is an issue with the backup (soft reset in the middle of a backup maybe?)

If a backup of SMS is corrupted, has anyone tried maybe deleting the phone backup file from OneDrive? I see it there, but just do not know if that is actually where the issue lies.

Let me know what you think.
I've disabled text back ups and that worked, but I'm trying to back everything up to reset my phone so I can update it (because that's Windows official solution to dealing with the mystery, ever-filling "other" storage space issue...yeah) and I don't particularly want to lose everything.
Is there any way I can back my texts up to a different account, like my main hotmail account? Everything else seems to back up fine.

Definitely going with Android when I switch phones, if this hadn't been my first smartphone I probably would've known better
When I installed Cortana I had to use the trick to set the region to US (being in Canada). After that I did not change back the region. Syncin was still working just fine ... for about a week. I changed back the region to Canada and it immediately fixed the problem.
Have you tried just removing the email account from the mail account and then adding it back again. This has work for me with mail accounts playing up now.

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