When I plug my Lumia into my PC via USB, it makes the connecting noise, then immediately makes the disconnecting noise, over and over again. "USB device not recognized", it says. I've tried everything under the sun involving the Device Manager, updating both devices, and rebooting both devices, and I can't get my PC to recognize it.
I have a wireless charge unit, but I'd like to connect it to my PC because I made a text tone that I'd like to transfer onto the phone.
Another issue I'm having is that I uploaded the text tone to my OneDrive in .mp3 format, and when I go to the file on my phone and download it to the Ringtone folder, it says "All files downloaded", but my Ringtone folder is still empty. So it says it downloads it, but it doesn't.
I'm out of options, it seems.
I have a wireless charge unit, but I'd like to connect it to my PC because I made a text tone that I'd like to transfer onto the phone.
Another issue I'm having is that I uploaded the text tone to my OneDrive in .mp3 format, and when I go to the file on my phone and download it to the Ringtone folder, it says "All files downloaded", but my Ringtone folder is still empty. So it says it downloads it, but it doesn't.
I'm out of options, it seems.