Phantom touches on the screen


New member
Sep 10, 2013
I just woke my Surface 3 up today from hibernation and it was behaving very strangely. It seems that the screen was registering constant touches on the left edge. It was happening so much that the Surface was unusable.

I was able to get a small amount of control over the device by touching the very edge of the screen and holding my finger on it while I used my other hand to perform other touch functions. This was happening in both tablet mode and desktop mode. I rebooted the machine and unfortunately, the phantom touches started immediately again.

I then tried to attach a keyboard and mouse. The phantom touches continued for a while longer and then finally stopped.

I disconnected the keyboard and everything seems stable for now, but I am very concerned about it. Has anyone seen this before? I hate to get the unit replaced prematurely, so I am hoping that this is driver related.

Just for information, this is a Surface that shipped with Windows 8.1 and I upgraded it to Windows 10. Because of this, I am also hesitant to do a reset.

If anyone has any experience with this problem, any information about it would be greatly appreciated.
Some phones have this problem, the large screen ones. Caused by screen flex Don't do anything that could flex the screen.
Hold on opposite corners and lightly flex the corners down and the middle up, repeat for opposite corners. If this effects the phantom touches this is your problem

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