Phone for surface rt

Galway 77

Oct 29, 2014
So, I have a HTC M8 that's in a drawer, that's in excellent condition because it was always in n an otterbox case. So, someone on Facebook market place was looking to swap a surface rt he has for a cell phone. I know the whole deal with surface rt, but was wondering if anyone using one today thinks it's worth it. I mean, just for surfing the web, maybe Netflix and YouTube.. Simple stuff like that.. Don't need office or anything like that.. Just to mess around with it really...
Swap one drawer sitter for another potential drawer sitter. I have a fully loaded RT that sits in a box on my shelf. I bought it many years ago at MS TechEd 2013 for $99. At the time the MS Store was selling the same model for over $700. I would have to say the RT was one of the most ill-conceived products that was ever brought to market. Why MS ever built a 3rd OS for tablets instead of updating Win Mobile to support tablets is beyond me. Had a few apps, but to use office you had to run this stupid Windows desktop mode. The HW is even worse. At a time Apple iPads had retina displays, the RT display was sorry in comparison. The worst part are the dimensions. The RT is almost impossible to use anyway but horizontal. I could go on, but the RT was a disaster before release, only a company run by Balmer would ever release such a product.

That said, why not swap. You have nothing to lose but something you don't use.
The Surface RT can still do basic web browsing and social media. If that means it gets more use than your HTC M8 then go for it. It depends entirely on you.
Thanks for the replies!!! Yes, I a surface pro 3, which is like brand new, and don't see any point upgrading that to anything else as I don't use it that much really. The surface rt would be to just mess around with, it's costing me nothing and probably get more use than a phone in a drawer. Just wondering about apps and stuff.. But we'll see i suppose..
Thanks for the replies!!! Yes, I a surface pro 3, which is like brand new, and don't see any point upgrading that to anything else as I don't use it that much really. The surface rt would be to just mess around with, it's costing me nothing and probably get more use than a phone in a drawer. Just wondering about apps and stuff.. But we'll see i suppose..

The phone and the tablet both essentially have the same apps, whatever is available in the Microsoft Store. However, the tablet may have even less apps because Windows RT was sadly not all that popular.
It turns out that I didn't get it afterall. Tried to arrange swap twice, and got excuses and days before replying to messages so just deleted and backed out. Probably just as well...

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