Re: Why my NOKIA LUMIA 530 showing someone else's content?
Screenshot of the extras and info page (all of it) would be helpful as at the bottom it would indicate what ROM it's running. I know some demo units have a specific ROM identifier but off hand I can't remember what it is.
This is a long shot, does connecting the phone to a PC show your files?
If not then you have no choice but to use WDRT, however before doing so the ROM info would be helpful as you don't want to reflash the demo ROM back onto your phone

You can get the Lumia Firmware from the link at the bottom incase you get a obscure RM number show up in WDRT:
To identify the correct the product code - You would need to identify the following
1) Which region did you buy the phone
2) Was it sim locked to a carrier
To flash:
1. Install "Windows Device Recovery Tool"
2. Download the files (except the retail mode nvi) and place them in
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\Products\(RM-XXXX - your Models RM-Number)
3. Disconnect from the internet and run WDRT, it should detect the phone and flash.
Alternatively try (steps from the link below - I haven't tested these but should work):
1. Download the firmware - only the ffu.
2. And now open CMD as administrator
3. Type "cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool"
32 bit pc "cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool"
4. Connect now your phone to your pc
5. Type in cmd "thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "C:\the location of the ffu\file name.ffu" -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset"
7. Wait now until your phone gives a green screen
8. Type now in cmd "thor2 -mode rnd -bootnormalmode"