WPCentral Question
I just bought a new Lumia 929 this weekend. When I got it, it needed to be charged. So I take it to my 2010 Town and Country and plug it in to the USB in the radio using the cable that came with the phone, radio and van were both on and running. The phone would not charge. I then put the cable into the cigarette lighter plug and tried that, again same cable, still wouldn't charge. The only way it charged was for me to turn the inverter on and plug in the wall charger with the same cable. But this charger is in the back and won't allow me access to my phone for Pandora while driving. I know the USB and the cig plug work as I had just had my iPhone plugged in to the USB and my boyfriend's iPhone was in the cig plug. Still I double checked them and they worked. I've looked through the settings and can't seem to locate a place for me to make the phone charge through the USB. Right now I've got it plugged into the laptop at work and it's charging.