Photo Auto-backup, other than One Drive?


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Is there a good app, or other option, besides One Drive to back up my pictures, etc, automatically? On my old Focus (WP7), I could use Zune to backup over my Wi-Fi anytime I was home. Now, Zune is retired, so I don't think that's an option. My last 2 phones were Android, and I have thousands upon thousands of pics and videos saved on Google Photos. I had some low res pics from my Focus on my One Drive already. Just over a month ago, I got a Lumia 950, and One Drive is already "full"! They want me to pay to upgrade, and I'm not paying their rate for extra room. So now, I have to physically connect to my laptop and backup everything, then save to Google Photos if I want cloud storage. I prefer local storage, but if my hard drive craps out, etc, I've lost all of those memories. I do have a backup drive, but would like to "hedge my bets" a little more.

Does anyone know of an app or workaround to backup save to Google Photos, or at least backup my pics to my PC automatically???
Man.... nothing? Guess I'm SOL if I don't pony up for added One Drive. Or maybe I should sell this thing and go back to my old S5 Active. But I'd rather not.
How about DropBox? I'm not sure if it has auto photo backup though. I have no idea about any apps connected to Google Photos on this platform.
I auto back up to OneDrive AND Dropbox. I'm a little paranoid about losing all my photos if one of them ever breaks or closes down as I don't keep a hard copy of them all anywhere. Dropbox is usually good but the app is a little hit or miss right now and could really do with an update
Thanks, I'm downloading Resilio now, I'll set it up when I get home. I wish they had kept Zune, it was a great PC interface on WP7

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