Photostudio update: pano is there


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Just got an update to photo studio and panoramic shots are there.


Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
Just got an update to photo studio and panoramic shots are there.


Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express

Is it any better quality than the old one? Because using that software for panos on my old Focus left a LOT to be desired quality wise (especially when I saw what the Titan produces).
Don't forget to try the new auto panorama app. :)

Not tried it myself yet.

Thanks. Yeah, I tried it all day today. Its a good start, but needs a lot of work. The stitching areas are pretty apparent & not seamless at all. And most times it looks warped where the separate photos are. There's no guide at all when composing, so I think that causes a lot of problems.

The updated samsung Photo Studio app doesn't seem like there's much change there either. Its not great & the quality is still pretty low, but at least the photos look somewhat natural & straight. Sadly its about the best pano app we've got. :(

I'd about buy the Titan just for the built in pano. Its prob the best I've seen on any phone out there.
Is it any better quality than the old one? Because using that software for panos on my old Focus left a LOT to be desired quality wise (especially when I saw what the Titan produces).

I never had the original focus so cannot compare. The only comparison I have is my Sony camera, and it obviously is not as good, but can't be expected.

I am going to try and do some outdoors shots with it today to see how it works.
I had Pano on my Samsung Impression! That was a a feature phone!

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