I can mock and ridicule Islam (or anything else for that matter) all day and every day for years on end, without that infringing on any Muslims freedom to believe whatever they want, go wherever they want, and do
whatever they want.
I guess attacking Charlie Hebdo isn't included in "whatever", right?
Can we just skip over the stupid rhetorical questions please? My point is that no amount of mockery or ridicule can limit the freedoms of any group of people. Freedoms can't be "mocked away", and no Muslim had to sacrifice any freedoms due to a cartoon published by Charlie Hebdo. Obviously such freedoms are limited by reason and French law, but those laws apply equally to all French citizens, irrespective of colour, race or religion. It's not a difficult concept. Let's not pretend it is.
Humanity would still be stuck in the middle ages if philosophers, scientists and spiritual leaders didn't occasionally cross the boundaries of what most considered to be in good taste. That always involves somebody or a group of people taking offence!
If humanity had stuck in the middle ages, would that be a bad thing at all?
Less murder, less rape, people dress in a proper way. Doesn't sound really bad to me.
Yes. You need to read up on history. The chances of you being rapped or dying in a war
are far smaller today than they were at anytime during the middle ages. With that we haven't even addressed the very high chances of you living in utter poverty or disease killing you in your youth (in the mid 12th century the bubonic plague is estimated to have killed 30% - 60% of Europe's and the Middle East's entire population). Average life expectancy for someone in the middle ages was about 30.
You are romanticising a past that never existed the way you imagine it did. The fact that middle eastern culture was at it's height during the middle ages, but in steady decline ever since, doesn't mean that was a more peaceful or safer era. It was the exact opposite.
This is what's wrong with "freedom of speech". Everyone who uses this excuse (and also the phrase "we live in a free world") tend to ignore respect and tend to believe that they're doing right and everyone else's wrong.
Respect is what could keep the world in peace. A freedom without respecting other people is a stupid freedom.
Okay, fine. Then let me inform you that I find some parts of the Quran highly offensive. I kindly ask you to please
respect my sensibilities and destroy any copies you may have, and cease all printing of the book. You might find that ridiculous, but it's a lot less ridiculous than being offended by a Charlie Hebdo cartoon. Since you don't believe in free speech, and believe that printed materials some find disrespectful aren't to be tolerated, I expect you'll burn your copies within 24h, right?... or not... So what now?
Since you're unlikely to burn your holy books, is it then alright if I decide to kill a few of the people that work the printing presses and then say: "this incident happened because of their own mistake, as they decided to keep printing these books that I find so offensive"? You can't have it both ways!
Although I don't actually find anything offensive about the Quran, millions of people do, and Muslims don't deserve any more rights than anybody else, when it comes to deciding which materials are tolerable and which aren't. Is it so hard for you to see your ridiculous double standard?
12 people died last week, in the name of Allah. Every single Muslim on this planet should be outraged. They should be standing as one, unanimous in their view that every single person who believes this murderous act was even slightly justified, will burn in hell along side the Kouachi Brothers for all eternity. Every single Muslim should be screaming that these 12 people's right to live was a million times more important than anybody's desire not to be offended. Instead we get people top-toeing around the issue and indirectly blaming the victims with utter ridiculousness such as this:
I'd say that this incident happened because of their own mistake of igniting the flame.
You've been taught and have bought into this BS ideology, which suggests that free speech is not good, and that it's only an excuse to be disrespectful. You
have the luxury to believe that, but only because many of the people who take offence from books and drawings produced in Islamic societies, also believe it's those societies right to distribute those works regardless. If Christians and Jews and Hindu's and whatnot were as easily offended as Muslims are, we'd constantly be blowing up each other's media outlets. That is the opposite of tolerance, and that your brain can logically twist that into thinking you are taking a stand for tolerance and respect is part of the problem. It's why
YOU are part of the problem! You seriously need to be shaken, slapped around and woken up from your fallacy.
Just to be clear, I'm not condemning Muslims or Islam or any religion at all. I am condemning a screwed up, contradictory and destructive mind-set. I don't even consider this a religious topic, as it's more a disagreement on what tolerance means and what makes an ideal society. That question transcends any particular religion. If we're ever to solve our problems, we need real tolerance, and that includes universal support for freedom of speech. Until all societies get that into their heads, people will continue to die for completely absurd reasons.