Pocket File Manager. The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card! + 6 Clouds

Wow. Damn. How did you guys get access to those files & folders. Is this any partnership with Microsoft?

I can confirm it really works...

You can even access files from Videos folders.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

We received access from Microsoft.

Update is currently posted to review. We just fixed problem with thumbnails view in SD and Phone's picture folders.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Wow crazy app! Once the update solves the crashes in thumbnail mode I'll probably but it.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Currently you can turn of thumbnail view to prevent crash
Can you guys add a simple browser inside the app. So that when I click on a downloadable link, it directly adds it to the downloader. It will be ever so useful. And I will be so so grateful.

And a FTP client too, now that I think about it.

Only for those two options I am having an additional file download software. I would like Pocket File Manager to be the all in one file manager solution.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

I love it! I've bought it and I'll buy again from my fathers WP :)

Sent from my lumia 625 using Tapatalk
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Now we can say it is complete file browser. Msft is serious now. Thanks Ray I think now we can install xap files from pfm also. Plz correct me if I am wrong.

Sent from my RM-826_im_india_201 using Tapatalk
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Thanks alot for this brilliant app!!!
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

I do not think so. Did not test it
I do not think so. Did not test it

thanks for such a great app ! but i had a request, for people like me, students, we don't have credit cards and cant support you by buying it. It would be great if you released a free version with ads (we'd support you that way ;-) ), and maybe put a 20mb file size limit in ftp, stuff like that... Currently i want to use it for my daily need, but cant buy it, i cant even delete a folder in it lol :-P. Could you consider it ? Maybe put ads and file size limit in trial ? Its your wish if you want to include a few more restrictions too...
Promise I'd click on lots of ads for you (nice incentive laughing :))) :-P
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Unfortunately this is decision or our market department to not release ad supported version. This might be changed in future , but I doubt on that
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Unfortunately this is decision or our market department to not release ad supported version. This might be changed in future , but I doubt on that
okay thank you ! Anyway, great app !
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Unfortunately this is decision or our market department to not release ad supported version. This might be changed in future , but I doubt on that
wouldn't it be great if along with 'bluetooth', 'email', 'nfc', we also have a section for 'share' which uses the default share page of wp8 ? That way we could use multiple email accounts, and also we could share through apps we want too, and it would also be very convenient, both for users and you... It could go along with the options you already have.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Default wp share supports only images and videos. You cannot share anything with it. It just wont work when you run it with unsupported file. Quite useless
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

I was particularly talking about .docx and .pdf files... Well maybe you're right, it might not work with them. Thanks !
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Pdf files is not windows files so you cannot share them. Documents, you can. I will check is it possible to share documents from SD card and Pictures folder.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Pdf files is not windows files so you cannot share them. Documents, you can. I will check is it possible to share documents from SD card and Pictures folder.

Microsoft itself has said it is not possible to email multiple office files using office at present. So if your app can do that, it would be an icing on the cake.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

You can send any files using internal PFM emailer.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

Went thru 9 pages first prior to making a comment. Wanted to make sure the concern I got hasn't been discussed yet. I also don't know or am not sure if the app is the one that gave this weird action so I'm trying to eliminate some scenarios. Anyway, here's my setup. I use a 1520 with photos auto saved to sdcard with backup activated. That being said, everything I take on my camera gets saved to OneDrive. I tried out PFM a few hours ago. Didn't change any of the settings on my phone or the app. A few minutes after, I've got 4 of the pics in my sd Camera Roll triplicate in the OneDrive Camera Roll. Was surprised that it happened. I didn't touch anything in the pics prior to downloading the app. After that I first uninstalled the app and went to my pc to delete the triplicate pics in OneDrive. Took a few pictures with the camera and everything is back to normal. As installing the app was the only thing I did that gave those extra pics, I was wondering if it had anything to do with it. I like to purchase the app but I want to make sure it wasn't it that generated those. Could you please check Ray? Thanks.
Re: Pocket File Manager (The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card!)

FTP is not working. I am on the same network. when i put the address( after starting the server, it shows that page is not available. What am i missing here?

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